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4 months ago

Multivitamin preparations such as these are actually always at least partly waste of money. You will never have a lack of all ingredients at once. These products have bad dosages and poor bio availability for the body.

food supplements from the drugstore; the supermarket or very often also from the pharmacy are the least and worst what you can take from supplements. The staff has very often maximum basic knowledge but nothing justifying the full surcharge there.

Food supplement is something you should use consciously, individually and specifically. That is to say fix defects with individual preparations or Support and improve health and quality of life.

4 months ago

I’ve been taking complex for five years and I’ve been dazzling!☺️ I would also always prefer complexes, so everything works super together and can boost each other. The body simply takes what it needs! πŸ‘

4 months ago


But at some point your vitamin depot is full again, you don’t need any medication.

I would only take vitamins in a deficiency or in the cold.

And too much is left over the kidney again

4 months ago

If the dose listed on the package is not exceeded, it is safe