Sind Monster Energy Zero Zucker schädlich?
Hallo ich trinke am Tag verteilt 1-2 mal Monster Energy Zero Zucker. Ist das gesundheitsschädlich jetzt wirklich ernst gemeint.
Hallo ich trinke am Tag verteilt 1-2 mal Monster Energy Zero Zucker. Ist das gesundheitsschädlich jetzt wirklich ernst gemeint.
Wir hatten Putenfleisch für den Grill noch im Gefrierfach und Haben es heute aufgetaut und im Backofen gemacht denkt er das Fleisch war noch gut ? Man hört ja immer Putenfleisch wird schnell schlecht und Lebensmittelvergiftung davon etc
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Hallo, ich versuche mich jetzt schon seit mehreren Wochen an Latte Art. Leider hat es bis jetzt überhaupt nicht funktioniert, ich habe mir auch viele Videos dazu angeschaut, aber finde einfach nicht meinen Fehler. Zu Hause benutze ich einen Handaufschäumer, momentan sind wir im Urlaub und hier gibt es einen Aufschäumer an der Kaffemaschine. Mit…
Meine Oma hat heute stolz verkündet dass sie auf dem Flohmarkt wieder 2 Kaffee Kannen gekauft hat. Insgesamt besitzt sie bereits über 120 Kannen. Der Rest unserer Familie findet es seltsam. Was meint ihr ? Hat sie einen Tick ?
Is better, is stop chemical waste under the line
Well, hard to say, I drink them also regularly. In nem Monster Energy there is no single ingredient that is harmful, caffeine is only dangerous if you are sensitive or take too much of it (and before sleep it is not a good idea, even if you may fall asleep – the sleep quality suffers).
2 monsters are about caffeine in the green area (320mg) maximum daily dose is 400mg. Thus, as far as this is concerned, the rest in the monster is either harmless or even healthy (Inosit, Guarana, Ginseng, B-Vitamine, Taurin and L-Carnitine-L-Tartrat) The only thing you should pay attention to is the citric acid… this is really not good for the teeth, so pay attention to brushing teeth regularly or using straw to minimize contact with the teeth as much as possible.
Energy drinks are never healthy.
Whether with sugar or without.
I looked at the ingredients. There’s a lot of sweets in there. Medicine does not yet know whether sweeteners are harmful in the long term.
In any case, they confuse your metabolism. The immense (but not energy-producing) sweetness records your body. It suggests to your brain that massive insulin must be produced in order to quickly remove those sugars.
There’s nothing to be broken down. The increased insulin level ensures strong craving attacks and discomfort.
I’d just leave my fingers off this garbage.
Drink mineral water. You do good to your body.
No. Sweets do not confuse the metabolism.
NO, that’s wrong!!️
Sweets suggest the brain
nothing at all and for sweeteners
no insulin is produced
and no one spilled!!️
What you’re telling here is one already
long ago refuted myth❗️
Also non… sweetener is not a sugar❗️
Sweets are not carbohydrates,
therefore does not increase
blood sugar and therefore also
no insulin produced and extracted.
Complete nonsense!!️
By sweeteners, insulin levels rise
NOT and therefore can also
no starving attacks and
no uneasiness!!️
Sounds very unbelievable! (Although sounded consistent.)
PachamamaSquaw has super summarized… these enormous rumors about sweets are just sick… Then you pretend normal sugar is better, which is in no world. In short, sweeteners are harmless – gives metaanalysis. In addition, your craving attacks do not come from the sweet… The rumor comes that people want to start drinking the Zero drinks and thus replace their sugar-containing ones – this naturally results in a sugar withdrawal and symptoms such as cravings. So there’s nothing to do with the sweetener.
Maybe everything.
Are we betting I’m getting older than you?
Theories are not worth anything.
Only knowledge.
It’s true: Your own experience is worth more than all theory!
If you like me
Glucose metabolism, blood sugar, insulin, etc… would not be unbelievable for you.
Why would you bet? A healthy lifestyle depends on many factors. If you live healthy, Energy Drinks won’t make you unhealthy.
And your bet has 0 strength because there are too many factors that can cause an earlier death.
no, such small amounts are completely harmless to health. rather eat a apple instead of this beer, that is healthier
No way. Instead of sugar, sweeteners are in it. Not to mention the caffeine and the whole chemical laboratory in there.
This stupid chemistry always argues xD… 1. Sweets are harmless… 2. Why exactly “”Chemie” should be worse? gives no reason. and caffeine has more positive effects on the heart in amounts within the daily dose.
stupid chemistry, stupid physics, stupid medicine, stupid comments: monster is great because it positive effects on the heart has. Cheers!
I never said that. Nevertheless, this stupidity with “this is chemistry” is just stupid… because ALL is chemistry. And energy drinks don’t harm the heart – as long as you don’t exaggerate, and now it’s true the caffeine is good for the heart – to what extent this applies to energy drinks where caffeine reacts with many other active ingredients I can’t say exactly, yet it’s not harmful.