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It’s not about the chords alone, it’s about the key. So potentially all chords are suitable for everything. The order and the way you play it give the song character.
What makes the song melancholic-supporting or rather “happy” and powerful depends on the change of chords and tones. And this in turn is determined by the key.
A song written in Moll has corresponding changes inside, which emphasize the character of the Moll chords by adding Dur chords or vice versa.
As a small example:
C major and A minor are in the same position. Depending on how the song is now designed, it is either on the A minor tone ladder, which correspondingly starts with A and stops, or on the C major tone ladder.
Each dur-tone always has a moll item that fits exactly with it. Both use the same chords for different purposes.
That’s what it looks like.
1,2,3,4,5,6 and separately the 7
The numbers are the entire conductor, so:
C, D, E, F, G, A and the 7 is a reduced H.
1, 4 and 5 are always the same-named Dur-accords, 2, 3 and 6, on the other hand, the same-named Moll-accords. The 7 is reduced.
For the C-Dur/A-Moll tone, the following recipe is obtained from this and this recipe can also be transferred to any other tone. Depending on the type of sound, other numberings are then present, for example, in the G major, the G would then be 1, the A was 2, etc.
Back to C major/A minor. The numbering gives the following chords which are customary in this tone.
C major
F major
G major
D minor
E minor
A minor
H Reducing
The chords themselves number 1, 3 and 5, because you have Terz and Quinte in them. A C major consists, for example, of C, E, G, D minor, in turn of D, F and A. You can already use this knowledge and use the chord to find out the same-named key.
This principle can be transferred and whether a song is now sad or not depends on whether the chords of the Moll tone type are implemented accordingly or the Dur tone type. Just take a look at the conductors.
CDEFGAHC sounds quite different than AHCDEFGA.
Theoretically, this key allows you to transpose songs as desired and to disassemble them by means of the now clear chords and to improvise on the guitar after hearing. As long as you can grasp it, this is infinitely many possibilities, because you just make you fit what has not been matched before. You don’t even have to read a single note.
How this works with the tones was already explained here. What I would add:
If you have a song in thirsty now. For example with three chords G major, C major, D major (where we would be in the key G major) Then you can definitely make the song a bit more interesting (just say “feelinger”)
The C can be replaced at suitable points by a moll, the D by Fis-moll and the G by E-moll. These are the Moll chords in G major and so every chord sequence gets more low. Take a look, which one might fit well when.
Sad songs are usually in a minor. But just as in songs that are in thirsty, the skill comes to interchange Dur and Moll. This is always the result of the melody. The melody is always the main thing; the chords and harmonies always result from the melody course for the vocal voice(s). So you have to take care of the singing section(s). The chords for whether thirs or molls will result from this.
And what instruments are used for this is no matter what. 🙂
You can adapt any song to guitar or piano. You can also express melancholy with both. ….
Moll Arccorde alone doesn’t make a song yet. But they belong to it.
Of course. Mollak cords are common in almost any tonal music.
Moll is not necessarily sad – it can also be evil or splashing.
Dur is also not cheerful – it can also be pathetic, mild, comforting or very sad, especially when slow.
I wouldn’t recommend Dur-Akkorde, so yes, I guess?