Sind Mofas eine Verkehrsbehinderung?

Hi, also die Meinungen sind natürlich unterschiedlich ich hab ja selbst auch ein Mofa. Aber manchmal denk ich mir, wenn man mit gerade mal 25km/h auf der Straße tuckert, ist es schon eine gewisse Verkehrsbehinderung! Was ist eure Meinung?

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2 years ago

Duchaus, but a justified in the sense. Nevertheless, I am the Meiung, the Mofa as such is overtaken in a tezhnish manner. Pedelecs and e-bikes or electric scooters are the better solution.

Apart from the nostalgic factor and that we say “use” the stocks, mofas and, above all, petrol-powered motrorrollers no longer have a future.

Lg, Anna

2 years ago

No. Then bicycles would also be

2 years ago

are they also… especially because cyclists always mean they own the road alone and everyone must take into consideration

2 years ago

Due to the low speed, irritations can already occur just outside localities. I’d be for those with a warning flash or a yellow round light to drive.

2 years ago

It’s nothing but bicycles. So yes, they are a traffic disability;-)

But I can live with it. You don’t bother me.