sind meine Beine schief?
ich habe schon über jahre 1-2 mal die woche unerträgliche knie schmerzen entweder links oder rechts oder auch am fuß unten. meine frage sind meine Beine/Knie schief vorfallen Bein rechts? was könnte dies sein ? danke schon mal für jede antwort (:
If you often have pain, go to the doctor. He can tell you more than a user here.
thank you for the answer I was more often at the doctor orthopedic and he said there is nothing
Then you could change the doctor.
On the photo you can’t really see much. It might be that you have a light kink lowering foot, which can also lead to X-Beinen. Pain in the sole of the foot and in the knee occur in these malpositions.
It looks like it. You should get a second opinion.
Get an aerial second opinion in orthopaedic for a secured diagnosis AND ask simultaneously for lanv-term remedy / what you can do in acute pain situation
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