Are tonsil stones bad?

Hi everyone, the other day I was teasing my boyfriend because he occasionally has tonsil stones and he spits them out when he brushes his teeth, then I said haha ​​how disgusting and now I think my karma has caught up with me and this morning when I got up I took a sip of water and it felt like I had swallowed a small tablet or something, then I looked in the mirror and opened my mouth and there was a small round hole or hollow in the side of my throat and I thought to myself no or I really did have a tonsil stone, how disgusting is that contagious, did I get it from my boyfriend or is it completely normal and the fact that I now have a small hole in my throat is that something dangerous, I must also say I have a bit of a cold, my mum is ill and has infected me but nothing serious, I have a sore throat and a runny nose and also this stupid white coating on my tongue, maybe the tonsil stones are coming from Because I'm sick and I don't have to worry about it? Can I treat it or prevent it from happening? What should I do, folks! Thanks!

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1 year ago

Almond stones are not bad health, but for those affected they are somewhat unpleasant.

They are not contagious.

The hole sounds like a mild version of rugged almonds. The cervical can actually be caused by almond inflammation and the like, and only in these cervicals can these almond stones form.

1 year ago

Look at pictures of Rachen pictures. The hole is normal, everyone has.