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2 years ago

In Madagascar, even in the capital, it is cooked mainly with charcoal. This charcoal is made of trees and trees are already too few on Madagascar. There is a famine because there are not enough trees. Trees not only evaporate water, they also produce condensation crystals with their aerosols. There is a lot of water in it, so it would rain again on Madagascar if there were enough trees.

But because everything is liked and processed into charcoal, one takes the habitat to the glues. Even the Dornenwald, which now grows there, where once the real forest stood, is today processed into charcoal.

Renewable energies could save the Lemurs there. If each household has a concave mirror, you only need charcoal on covered days. If small biogas plants were to be operated with the excrements of animals or humans, charcoal could also be dispensed with on covered days. There is already technology. But probably it is only used when there are no more glues.

2 years ago

no these are semi-finals

the day could exist… because there were many of them

2 years ago

Lemuren are half apes, The second word of the three words question is “Lemuren”. It was also not called “hazardous” . the last word was rendered.