Sind Lebensmittel, die den Stoffwechsel anregen und puschen, möglicherweise krebsfördernd? Wurde das jemals untersucht?

Zum Beispiel der wirksame Bullet-proof-coffee, mit dem man tatsächlich sehr schnell abnehmen kann, wenn man zusätzlich Kohlehydrate vermeidet?

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7 months ago

There are drugs that cure appetite and/or stimulate the urge to move.

At least in terms of caffeine, there is a study that excludes correlation between consumption and cancer.

Taurine (included in Energy Drinks) is even attributed an anticancer effect, although the study situation is rather thin. The dangers of this substance are also more noticeable in the neurons and, unfortunately, only after years, if you do not drink mglw.

In the case of other substances, it would have to be investigated. What do you have in mind?