Sind Kratzer bei Gebrauchsgegenstände wie das iPhone z.B normal?
Sollten Kratzer generell bei täglichem Gebrauch als normal erachtet werden?
Sollten Kratzer generell bei täglichem Gebrauch als normal erachtet werden?
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This is almost in the name of those who can’t live with small scratches.
Even if any new product has it?
Yeah. The phone is now a utility item and can look worn out with time.
There are people who already feel small scratches on the phone as disturbing, I also see myself as someone. That’s why I take care of my iPhone and all the other things very well.
A smartphone is a used item that you use every day, every week, every month. It is therefore normal when scratches occur there. You can’t avoid that. Unless you use a case (shell) and as long as it works without problems, you can care about the few scratches.
Yes, as an iPhone is just a subject of use and not a cult object, even if that makes apple fertilizer believe.
Yes, definitely.
However, one can protect the smartphone quite well by a shell and thus secures the recycle value.
Yeah, that’s normal for me. If the phone is in the pocket with key, scratches happen very quickly.
Glass is harder than steel. This happens all day idR through stones (Kies/Sand)
Yeah or that, at least with other stuff in the bag, rubs on each other.
I always use a cover and foil. This does not get scratches, at least not in the display/glass at the back.
But in itself completely normal, this happens now when you carry an object every day for several years.
Yes how to use smartphones otherwise? Even things that are really used with the utmost care get microcrackers that you may not see immediately.