Sind Krankenkassen teuer und schlechter geworden in den letzten 40-50 Jahre?
Wenn ältere Leute fragt hat mir eine Frau erzählt
Meine Brille wurde übernomm mein teuer Zahnersatz übernomm das strebegeld für ihren erstern Mann gezahlt und sie war nur kleine Büroangestellte.
Heute braucht man für alles Zusatzversicherung die sehr teuer sind
bei Beamten wird heute vieles übernomm von dem Arbeitgeber der nachteil ist das Krankenkasse da privat für die teuer wird wenn ältere oder kränker werden)
Thanks to the “reforms” of Seehofer and Schmidt (leading: Lauterbach), the sick cash registers have become bureaucratic monsters, the service has been severely deteriorated, the contributions and with them the waste continue to rise.
The German health system is in collapse. Don’t last long.
After all, a few superfluous politicians could be found as AOK prisoners with good salary and many small office dust mites have an escape.
The damage is immense. Due to the artificial shortage of the cash register seats, several regions are now without medical care, thanks to the limitation of the fees, many doctors are at the edge of the insolvency, and the practices can no longer be sold when the age limit is reached, so the parental care of these doctors in the A…
Also in the clinics. The idiotic trap shells have led to the failure of meaningful treatments and to the use of meaningless treatments to serve the statistics. This has less and less to do with medicine.
The cash register system is designed on Abusus, the bills are transparent and usually faulty.
The “digitalization” is dilettanic. Security zero, functionality zero, labor and capital destruction immense.
Great political performance.
One of the main consequences of Seehofer’s “reforms” is the destruction of large parts of the European pharmaceutical industry. Now we are allowed to beg in China and India for supplies that can supply FALLS – in part DEUTLICH poorer quality.
As other countries guarantee better profits, we only get the shameful rest or need to import important preparations from abroad individually – at horrendous prices.
If you want to know how socialism works, that’s a good example.
Yes it gets more and more expensive and you get less and less.
My health insurance will be more expensive this year.
It wasn’t that expensive 50 years ago. That was all before the privatization of health care. But it wasn’t really cheap either. Hays are 14.6% and in 1975 they were 10%. There was no additional insurance, everything was taken over. But then only the famous cash register model, that didn’t want to have one. People then paid it out of their own pocket.
As today only the health insurance has become expensive
Not quite. For example, a dental prosthesis would have been free at the time, this year EUR 70 or if you are in need, you must submit appropriate documents. You have to justify everything with evidence, that was not necessary at the time.
It’s because humanity is getting older and older. Bader, no! Now it’s working with mind and not blowing everything up. In the 70s it was a self-service shop that was not financialable.
Certainly, some could also be improved
If someone who works half-day zb mother with child, and has toothache, is paid only the favorable treatment and half the other half has to be paid themselves and not everyone can afford 2-3 yes so expensive is the favorable treatment if one takes half because this hard case regulation applies only very low income and someone working half-day is clearly over
If you’re clear about it, that’s the way. I don’t see it differently from buying a car. One can afford the used 500 Fiat. The other one is a new Ferrari. The laws say “sufficiently economic. There is the possibility to complete an additional insurance. But GKV is first the generality that finances it. That the bosses earn too much from many companies, breathes on another sheet written. Sk also many GKV bosses
Yes, of course. This is not only the health insurance companies but the other conditions.
What other conditions?
It’s impossible to tell them all here. There are very expensive treatments today that there was not before. Dental implants, for example. They used to take over the dental treatment completely, as there was not.
Switzerland, yes, unfortunately, experience it on your own, not so cool…
Austria the same. There is almost nix for dentures