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Too much to break your teeth and pine joints. It should be good for digestion and reduce stress.
In proportions not unhealthy, however, one should resort to sugar-free gum because the sugar in gum kills many bacteria in the mouth that are caries-related, and if one no longer buys them again new bacteria that are not expropriated by sugar, they can cause caries.
However, the bacteria settle only if one does not buy sugar-free chewing gum or no other chewing gum that is not contained in sugar, sugar-free chewing gum does not kill the bacteria, they settle again!!!
Who frequently chewing gum can overstrap jaw muscles and jaw joints. This is noticeable by cracking in the jaw when chewing. In larger amounts, too much chewing gum can have a dissipating effect due to the sugar substitute.
For the teeth safe, at least if they are sweet. Otherwise, not because you usually don’t bite them.
Yes they are unhealthy but I eat all the time
You don’t eat them. You chew them!
I eat
As with everything, the amount is crucial.