Sind Jungfräulichkeitstests altmodisch?

Ich lese immer wieder von Vorbehalten gegenüber Jungfräulichkeitstests (arab.: fahs al-‘adhriyya).

Dabei findet sie meine Familie sehr gut. Meine Schwester geht immer in den Semesterferien zu ihrem Frauenarzt, einem netten Marokkaner aus unserer Gemeinde.

Der untersucht dann sehr sehr genau ihr Jungfernhäutchen und schreibt ihr eine Jungfräulichkeit-Bescheinigung. Diese ist unserer Mutter immer sehr wichtig.

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2 years ago

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah, ya akhi.

Thank you for your great question. Teşekkür ederim.

May Allah reward your sister for her chastity and also your mother, you and her wives. She’s lucky. It is very valuable that your family supports her chastity and respects her young lady.

It is also important that you do not only trust in the investigations. I know Turks who were seduced by Satan and use their back opening for pleasure. It is therefore also important to pay attention to gender segregation, their circle of friends and their everyday lives in general. So you can protect them from Satan, inşallah.

I always go to my mother’s healer in May and November. He then examines my young skin extremely carefully. And is very concentrated, but also loving and very nice.

I think old-fashioned is the wrong term. The virginity tests are an old tradition, but not old, but timeless and proven. I like to use the term “classic”.

It is also always a good idea to combine the investigations with some celebration. Gifts or food going are beautiful traditions. So your sister stays chased and the family has an opportunity to come together.

LG – Hatice 🤗

2 years ago
Reply to  HaticeHTC

Only that the so-called maiden belongs to the kingdom of myths. Since when has a medical practitioner been a specialist in female medicine? Does this healer also carry out screenings?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lemoine282

Let her have this compensation. To be fingered twice a year by a “very nice” healer “lovely” and “concentrated”, sweetens the waiting period for marriage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lemoine282

I guess the healer is paying for it. And then he tells what the customer wants to hear is clear.

Healing practitioners also tell that sugarballs in reality contain an active ingredient that is not in it, then also treat it and seriously claim that the whole would be “poor”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lemoine282

The main thing is that he is a “love” person who is exhibiting the virginity certificates.


2 years ago
Reply to  HaticeHTC

Assalamu aleykum

In Islam you are chastised as long as you have no sexual or illegitimate intercourse.

In Sure 5:5 Allah mentions that we may marry Jewish women and Christian women who are chastised. So no unauthorized relations or no Zina (unright sexual intercourse) have made

2 years ago
Reply to  HaticeHTC


And with this great answer, you’re wearing really thick on…


2 years ago
Reply to  HaticeHTC

Note: The user is now “inactive”.

2 years ago

Precisely and for double control and monitoring, the bedcloth is then hanging out, just disgusting.

2 years ago

Are virginity tests old-fashioned?

Yes, they are.

Because such tests don’t say anything about whether someone really is a boy’s wife.

On the one hand, there are doctors who lie there also for patients because they think this attitude is outdated (but join to make money and allow women to live freely) and on the other hand, a young lady can also tear in sports, one can have been born without (or only very small) etc., so even without intact it does not mean that one had sex.

In addition, there is absolutely nothing about the value of a woman, whether she had sex or not.

Similarly, there are enough women who simply have anal and oral sex, just no vagina. So in the end they have sex, because of old attitudes on the subject they only give up an internship.

2 years ago
Reply to  testwiegehtdas

Similarly, there are enough women who simply have anal and oral sex, just no vagina.

Therefore, a separation of the sexes is carried out. In some Islamic countries, attention is paid to the fact that men and women are not unattended alone.

2 years ago
Reply to  PrinceSaid

“The separation of the sexes is carried out”

Oh, yeah? Who is watching when the “nette Moroccan” is “very accurate” with the vagina of the sister of the FS?

2 years ago

The doctors who do such investigations know very well that it is mischief and that they cannot confirm virginity by an examination of the hymen. They still do it to make the girl officially virgin marriage possible. Of course, to earn something.

On the occasion, it is also possible to explain to young women where they get sterilized ox blood capsules, which then simulate a bleeding during the first traffic.

… as long as culture still believes in such myths, it also needs the doctors who help young women to marry happy(?).

The really crazy thing about culture is that it really is about hymen – not about first sex. With a hymenplastic one really gets hurt again in their thinking virgin and an inadvertent crack of hymen in the thinking of many Muslims virginity. It’s a big deal.

2 years ago

I also find old-fashioned and stupid as it can also tear through zb sports, or something in the art,

2 years ago

It’s bullshit because you can’t see if a woman already had sex or not yet, as hymen is usually only stretched and doesn’t tear.

2 years ago
Reply to  anonym0507

Does the female doctor seem to know

2 years ago
Reply to  VyerniTa

The best way to change your female doctor

2 years ago
Reply to  VyerniTa

Or he knows, but he deserves his money and plays with it.

2 years ago

It’s a complete mischief to investigate. The hymen can tear during sex, but it doesn’t have to. He can also tear at different moments.

No matter if the hymn is intact or does not say anything about the “uncontact” of a woman or a girl.

2 years ago

So as not Muslims can tell you that I didn’t bleed at my first time. Maybe it happened before because of sport or later or never, I don’t know. So it is not a clear sign of virginity, and it hurts me that some of the Muslim girls are making such a head, and in the end they may be subjected to subordination. If you want to wait until the wedding, that’s all right. But these tests are not very meaningful.

2 years ago

The tests say nothing. In order to investigate whether she is really no virgin, you have to look at the sexes and this is Islamically not compliant, because it is forbidden to show a woman her part or to show her part. that the sex part is touched except before her husband.

Your mother exaggerates. You’re honest and you say you’re a virgin. If you’re a Muslim/Muslima you don’t lie and you’re honest about it

2 years ago

These stone ages may be common with you – but also say a lot about the “value” of the woman in your family (and in Islam) ….

think about it – aren’t you worth it? as a complete person?

2 years ago

Hymen can enter in the wrong application of tampons.

Therefore, I find this virginity test for pre-Influential madness like the Sharia.

2 years ago

Absolutely old-fashioned, insane and unreliable.

This mischief does not make any sense at all, either from the medicotic point of view or from one person.

2 years ago

It’s not old-fashioned, it’s absurd.

2 years ago

This would probably find 99% of people laughing here in Germany, but if that is so important for you again….

2 years ago

Not old-fashioned, but we are already used by Islam and its followers.

2 years ago

Old fashion can also be classic.

There is also an added value behind it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tiffanylegtlos

What added value should that give to see if someone is still a virgin?

2 years ago
Reply to  JustASingle

A guarantee of virginity. That’s good for getting married. Then the lady comes out of good house and is virtuous when she felt every guy.

2 years ago

Read more.

2 years ago

Clear escape manoeuvre. You have written yourself that you have gained experiences, so you have to admit freedoms that you do not get to your partner. So it’s not about chastity, otherwise it would affect you.

And if you think that you can only gain experiences in the brothel, you can only have yours collected there. Not my testimony, but yours!

2 years ago

Once you find no other argument, you will be personally. Blah blah blah. Works in the bordel there you can gather the most experience. And you even get money for it.

2 years ago

“She doesn’t compare me to other men”

Therefore the wind blows – one fears the comparison, but that is long known. Complex men have to build that their partner knows nothing better. Poor guys.

“Before I had other so-called modern women”

Look at that. So you have allowed yourself to experience. It’s nice to see you here in all your hypocrisy.

2 years ago

I’m a man. I am naturally pre-programmed to have several partners. Theoretically, I could fertilize several women every month. Every woman would know who the father is. But a woman can only get pregnant once a month and only by a man. With several men she could not know who the father is. God is thanks to our prophecies were jealous people. Otherwise mankind could not survive.

2 years ago

This is only possible to some extent without losing any access to his child.

2 years ago

It’s lonely.

I’d be opposed to these “carriers.”

2 years ago

I didn’t say I would support it. But I would respect that they are free and adult people.

Nevertheless, it is not insanely likely that would happen. Education does a lot of things.

And yet, I would absolutely support it if my offspring had sex before marriage.

2 years ago

So if your children want to be prostitution as an adult or want to be onlyfanscreators, do you not just allow it, but support it?

2 years ago

I don’t have kids. And also my offspring will be sexually free as I am.

2 years ago

So somehow you don’t want to understand. There is a clear definition of prostitution. Again for you, not every woman is automatically a prostitute. Can we hold this before you bring this argument back and forth?

Even as a woman, you have things that you’re giving for your daughter, right? Do you want them to do onlyfans, etc? I don’t think so.

2 years ago

No, I’m just saying that these tests are meaningless, especially since one can be honest and say that one is actually still a virgin, but the hymen is still fuss because he e.g. in another activity.

You just did. My argument is that prostitutes have more difficulties in finding and maintaining relationships.

Right, it wasn’t about prostitution. And apart from that, the reason for this is relatively logical: who wants a woman to be a partner, whose Occupation it is, continue to sleep with various men?!

I’m saving your videos now.

How hopefully you don’t wish your daughter such career paths, why should it be good for your partner?

What partner?! I am female and heterosexual and, as I said, had several male partners with whom I also slept. This does not make me a prostitute, nor does it ensure that I can never lead a long-term and happy marriage – nor am I unmarried and that only because my partner and I currently have other priorities.

2 years ago

In the end: If you bring enough dishonest energy to the day, you can also survive the virginity test, but it contradicts the actual benefit of being pure and good conscience. If I have to pave my way with lies, the whole concept is pointless.

You just did. My argument is that prostitutes have more difficulties in finding and maintaining relationships.

I didn’t immediately judge every woman as a prostitute.

How hopefully you don’t wish your daughter such career paths, why should it be good for your partner?

2 years ago

What does the system mean? Often the hymen’s vaginal sex is only stretched.

And please stop being equal to any woman who has sex before marriage with a prostitute.

2 years ago

Can a woman dribble the system? Sure.

Can she have her bachelor skin sewn? Sure.

Can she subjugate a strange child to a man? Sure.

You can’t do that to reality.

Virginity is seen as special. Have men the free choice and it’s about the firm partner, many would decide that the prostitutes will not be considered.

2 years ago

I don’t care how you think about it, but that doesn’t change my original statements:

  1. No doctor can determine whether a woman is still a virgin, because an intact is not a safe thing.
  2. A woman who has sex before marriage is not worth less than one who has sex only from the wedding night.
2 years ago

You think? I was here all day..

2 years ago

That means if you don’t have an eye for other men.

2 years ago

I have never propagated, men have more freedom than women. Sex before marriage. Even women, I did not deny this right.

Only if in the extreme case of Tinder, Snapchat in the ONS is always on the bounce, it can be hard to come back.

Of course, marriages can also break down taking into account all the points I have mentioned.

Now it is like when you are already acting immoral, coming from bad house etc., that certain effects are potentiating and the marriage is very quick to spin.

2 years ago

If two people do not agree sex before marriage, it is their business. But if men take sex before marriage for themselves, but expecting her partner to go into marriage as a virgin is the double moral. Marriages, relationships, partnerships break for the most diverse reasons that has always been the case and will always remain that way. Virginity is not a guarantee of the existence of a lifelong happy partnership.

2 years ago

I don’t deny anyone anything.

My argument is, action has consequences.

If you’re bad from the start, it’s always more unlikely to get the curve.

If men are honest and want to screw down or screw up the number of ex-partners of their women, without this political correctness you are trying to screw them down here.

It’s just that, many men want to keep silent about it, you could get into bad light.

Before you blame me, touch your own nose.

What partner do you want for your son, and what partner for your daughter? And not only this “main thing, my children are happy.”

Go inside.

2 years ago

And your head is washed by double morals, for you there was also sex before marriage, but what you want to say to your partner and have a holy nun, and that is called double morals.

2 years ago

I believe you. I also believe when many women say they have problems with relationships or their relationships and marriage because of prostitution, onlyfans and their porn career. Whatever your experience is, I’m referring to other experiences from the environment.

It depends on whether a woman does not want to marry or cannot marry.

It is not forbidden, but it is now connected with consequences. Some actions and objectives are not acceptable.

It is better to act meaningfully and virtuously from today’s time.

There is now an increasing proportion of adultery, fraud, pregnancy by strangers, etc.

You’re investing years and decades, the kids aren’t from you and you don’t know anything about it.

2 years ago

Do you really think that women only have the goal of getting married? What do you think are married? And today, women also afford a nice escort man. Since when the old-fashioned model of life, relationship and sex has brought no problems. Just because it was socially accepted that men kept a lover next to the wife, just as they went into the puff as they did today, it was better that women had to depend predominantly financially on their men and stay a woman with the husband, even if he beat wife and children, was it better?

2 years ago

I am not talking about the unemployment of sex workers, but about the difficulty of having relationships.

Just because you do something, it doesn’t automatically become moral. To entertain a girl or play on the side may be a gang and a goose, depending on the culture, but that’s not going to happen automatically and gladly.

Just look at the first cip.

Does this form of relationship make sense for you, or are the rules imposed?

2 years ago

Did you just have a partner? Right sooner you stayed together, but the men who could afford it also had a lover next to the wife. And sex workers aren’t unemployed because they are mainly sought by married men. Prostitution is the oldest industry since the existence of humanity. Your little holy world has never existed.

2 years ago

It’s just, unfortunately, unnecessary baggage, which comes into a relationship. It is also not supposed to be an effort, but one always has eyes with other people, frustration is pre-programmed with the partner.

2 years ago

As you confirm, men like you are just afraid of being compared with other men. What kind of person can he come from?

2 years ago

Too far for me, but you can come out of your bedcloth, you evil sinner.

2 years ago

No one can keep with you in content. So the antipathy. Feel pressed. 🤗

2 years ago

I’m glad. Jepp, you’d rather overhear these problems. I’m afraid you’re defending it so vehemently because you’re gonna be single.

2 years ago

Yes, but we have children. I’m actually here to read what the young people were dealing with to help my children. Everyone should do what he wants, but they’re trying to put the others in your ice. I have a wife myself that I was 29, and my wife was 19 then a virgin and had a reasonable family. Now we’re 20 years together. She respects me. She doesn’t compare me with other men. She’s totally happy and I too. Before that I had other so-called modern women and were all catastrophes. They are manipulative. They bring their old relationship problems into their new relationship. The head still remained with the old man, etc. Cruel.

2 years ago

Regrettably. Everyone should do what he wants, but there is always a different price and consequences depending on the way.

2 years ago

You can’t explain to these people. The heads are washed by modern time and feminism. They’re as blind as they can’t see how society’s underlying. Inside they tend to the people who had only one partner in life and have a reasonable family. They also want to move all others into their corrupt and depressive world so they don’t stand there alone.