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1 year ago

I have worked with many Japanese colleagues for years in a Japanese company, and I have also visited the company in Japan! – Whether the Japanese were happier than we Germans, I really don’t know – but in any case they seemed more satisfied and much more committed than the German colleagues!

1 year ago

Happiness and satisfaction are subjective experiences that are influenced by many factors. It would be easier to say that Japanese are generally happier or more unhappy than Germans. Both countries have different cultural, social and economic contexts that can influence the well-being of people.

In Japan, working pressure can often be perceived as burdensome, as overtime and high expectations are spread to employees. The so-called “Karoshi” (death by revision) is a known phenomenon. This work culture can lead to stress and exhaustion. However, there is also recognition of hard work, which in turn can bring a sense of fulfillment (

There is also a traditional emphasis on education in Japan, and school pressure is often high. The school system can be very competitive, especially during examination periods. Students in Japan often experience an intensive learning pressure that can lead to long hours and high expectations. This can cause stress and in some cases has led to health problems (

Of course, these are only 2 examples as a comparison between Japan and Germany. Of course it’s not everyone. Whether the Japanese are more unhappy than the Germans, you can’t just judge. You’d have to make surveys. For example, a survey showed: “At the classification of their general satisfaction with life on a scale of 0 to 10, the inhabitants of Japan gave a degree of satisfaction of 6.1,which is below the OECD average of 6.7.” For comparison, Germany has a value of 7.3 (

I hope I could help a little.

1 year ago

I don’t know, but I can’t imagine that. I think people inventing Tamagochi and Manga cannot be happier than Germans.

1 year ago

Hard to say, according to my experience, Japanese have two or more faces. You don’t see how they are, as they always try carelessly in the public, etc. to act

1 year ago

As a rule, a high rate of suicide indicates a happier people. A people with many problems has a high rate of murder.

In Japan you live very closely. Therefore you live with much consideration for others. That makes most people happy.