Sind in solchen Stellen auch Bankmitarbeiter?
Dahinter steht zwar Geldautomat, aber es ist ja eine kleine Filiale. Sind dann in solchen kleineren Nebenstellen auch Bänker?
Die Bankfilialen werden bei Maps immer mit einem € und einem Bild mit einer größeren Filiale gekennzeichnet.
Hier ist dann z.B. kein Foto mit bei, hat aber trotzdem das gleiche Symbol, wie die kleineren Filialen, ein “$” Sind das dann ATM’s die im freien stehen?
Bei Maps kann ich an diesen Orten nämlich nirgendwo einen Automaten erkennen. Oder sind das dann Filialen, die dicht gemacht haben?
If it is a pure area for ATMs: No, there are no employees. If the ATMs are part of a branch of the corresponding financial institution, then someone will also sit on a switch.
The first is a pure SB area with machines. It’s on it too.
And what do you think is with the machines, where there is no picture at Maps and you can’t find it? Is that the single ATMs that stand out?
Probably already. A branch would be entered differently.
in doubt, the bank’s website should call, as a rule, the locations with services offered are listed according to current status.
Google can always be that the information is faulty or ageed.
Many banks convert single branches to SB branches or close the location. Google doesn’t always come after time.
Not more. Often this was Fillialen with employees who were then closed and only one SB area with ATM left.
On third screenshot, no one has taken photos of the place. That doesn’t mean anything.
The first screenshot looks like a place that simply has several ATMs in it. No employees. The second looks the same.
First of all: only because maps (no matter which) provider says there is an automatic or a branch does not mean that the data is up to date.
Because just the last few years some branches have been closed for cost reasons, but not always the various online maps have been updated.
Whether an image is in it or not is insignificant, because they do not come from the bank itself but from customers who upload it there.
In the Zwiefelsfall you have to look by yourself.
At the first, it can be seen in the picture that only “SB” stands for itself. There will be no bankers.
The second could be an optical branch behind the SB area, but even then it is unclear whether it is open. You can get something out of the opening hours.
The easiest thing would be if you were looking for a branch with people to just look at the bank’s website, which branches there are.