Sind geboren vor 2002 ohne TikTok in der Jugend aufgewachsen?
Wenn TikTok erst 2020 popular wurde und 2002 geboren damals 18 waren und ihre Jugend langsam Weggang?
Also die ab 2002 geboren sind, sind doch in ihrer Jugend mit TikTok aufgewachsen? (Nicht alle)
So I would not call it that I would rather count it if it was already used at 13 14 so we are just in the generation that grows up with it
born in 2003 and has not even used tiktok and am happy about it
Tiktok came out in 2016. So where do you grow in 2002?
Yes but was very unpopular and it was called Musically or so, have often only used young girls and then it was harmless, it was only renamed to TikTok in 2019 and it was only really popular from 2020
Musically isn’t Tiktok. Just because it’s from the same developer team.