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1 year ago

I was there over 40 years ago and I spoke very badly French at that time. Nevertheless, almost everyone was kind to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  FabianPavian

Thanks for the star.

1 year ago


French are only different from Germans and this is clearly recognizable. I am Brite and was on holiday in France. The leaders were very friendly to me in the whole. When I came to Germany, I had a comparison. Germans were also kind, but it was more like “Everyone does his thing and doesn’t pay attention to other” thing in Germany. This is not the case in France, at least I couldn’t do that.

I think one interprets something into it as a German, since apparently only Germans have this presumption that French are unfriendly.

1 year ago

I have been very often in France and to me, French have always been nice and polite – perhaps because I speak French (although not very good).

1 year ago

French are not more unfriendly than others. Basically, French people are very polite when you meet them accordingly. However, when a Frenchman finds his misconception, he does not need to be surprised.

1 year ago

I’ve been to France many times and I can’t complain. There are some idiots in every country.

I don’t like generalizations.

What I have to say, however, is that it is easier to speak.

8 months ago

I can now only report on our French people living in Germany who organize a German-French exchange every year. The team is extremely pampy and often quite rude to the German parents and children. Why anyone even participates in the annual bullying action is a mystery to me.

1 year ago

Of course there are also unfriendly French. The experience (from the nearby Alsace) is however that they are more friendly than the Germans.

1 year ago

I have rather experienced that Germans are unfriendly in France because they want to force the French to speak English.

1 year ago

I couldn’t understand if they were friendly or not because they spoke so fast that I only understood a fraction of my French school and you were more familiar with your hands and feet.

1 year ago

It depends on the person.

I have already met some very friendly and helpful people in France, but even a few who have hit a pretty fast (in words).

Would say that they are not unfriendly overall.

1 year ago

In each country there are friendly people and unfriendly. In Germany, foreigners are often more friendly.

1 year ago

I would give the belief that many French people seem arrogant to us because they often simply have a (yes I know – quite clichéously now) other appearance than we have.

1 year ago

I’ve never heard that, and I find it really regrettable that such clichés still seem to hold themselves despite the Elysee Treaty and regular exchanges.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, good ways of handling are increasingly rare there.

1 year ago

I’ve been to France a lot.

Since I speak French, I never had problems.

Otherwise there are such and such in each country.

1 year ago

In the places where I had to speak, almost never anyone or only very bad English could. For example, in the snack, at McDonalds, at the supermarket. If, then someone was often called second. You think everyone could at least be primitive English.

PS: It’s not just France. In Italy, I was also surprised when several people in about my age couldn’t.

Never was anyone unfriendly. It’s just a cliché. There are such and such.

1 year ago

I mainly had good experiences in France, as well as a few bad experiences. These experiences are pretty much in every country. One cannot generalize an individual with a whole country or vice versa.

France is a very beautiful country, I like it very much.

1 year ago

Maybe. Germany once occupied France. Germans eat the cheese plate, which is served after dinner in the restaurant and actually applies to all restaurant guests.

1 year ago
Reply to  Schreifrizz

Really? so much cheese hardly anyone grabs!

1 year ago

Yes! They are very arrogant, try to ask English about the way in France….

1 year ago
Reply to  Freaky739

They are proud of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Freaky739

Search Google Maps :

1 year ago
Reply to  Freaky739

The problem is that many French speak bad English. It is therefore usually not a problem of non-learning, especially of non-can.

1 year ago
Reply to  Freaky739

What does this have to do with arrogance? If you don’t even try it in the national language, but automatically assume that everyone speaks English with you, then I wonder who is arrogant here.
I don’t speak much French, but enough to apologize at least in French for my bad knowledge and to ask if that person speaks English or German. And behold, most French are ready to try it at least

1 year ago

Good question – I was the 80s above in Marseilles! The language of the frog eaters is French and they put a lot of value on it! They don’t have it with foreign languages – if you get to know a Frenchman in Germany or England, if he can talk to you German or English…

In France, however, he will insist on France. It is considered to be rude if a language which is mostly incomprehensible for locals is spoken !

If you try it in French, they will acknowledge your efforts and be majority friendly!

Tip * If you are invited with a fellow countryman in France somewhere by French people, avoid talking to him audible in German when French are nearby!

If it cannot be avoided choose short sentences and try to translate them so that the French also understand otherwise they think you have just complained about them!

An absolute no go are cell phone calls in non-comprehensible language …in particular in bus, train, restaurant etc.

1 year ago

I have never been in france and wee nich like franzosen in general so are but if you play online and meet franzosen most are quite nice but also those really unfriendly but there I find German already worse 😅

1 year ago

I was in Paris. With me, many people were very friendly and greeted. Lg

1 year ago

Got a French neighbour who told me that. Germans are much more open

1 year ago

They’re not all rude. But if one speaks only English with them from the outset and expects them to be able to do so, then they’ll be stubborn.
a few french chunks help break the ice.

4 months ago

To me, the French with whom I had to do so far always had very friendly. In professional and private dealing, there were never problems before 😊

1 year ago

Are French really so unfriendly?

  • really? No
  • so? No
  • unfriendly? No

I’ve never met unfriendly French.

but can sign what I have always done unconsciously, but perhaps it has been unconsciously taught in French lessons and language courses and language schools.

1 year ago

Absolutely. If you’re going to France, you’ll quickly notice that every policeman is really pissed and generally French sometimes react very allergic. But this happens especially when you speak English. French are the most extreme language drilled

1 year ago

The problem is probably more about the German visitor, not the French. It is mainly in France and the Anglosphere (before all England & USA) the case that many people of these people feel that Germans are cold, boring and unfriendly.

1 year ago

Yes there are unfriendly French .

But there are also at least as many very friendly French .

This is always so flat-rate, there is no French at all.

Are the German potato eaters? No

Are the Italian spagettifressers? No