Sind Flugzeugangaben in den Flightradar24 Flugplänen genau?
für meinen Flug morgen mit TAP war rin Airbus A320 geplant. Jetzt hab ich zugällig gesehen das in der Vorschau/Flugplan von Flightradar24 eine E190 steht. Ist das vertrauenswürdig?
Flightradar is actually very reliable. It should be noted, however, that they have their information only from sources that are also available to us.
Some (military) flights may not be displayed. But the aircraft types are always quite accurate with time and place of the machine.
Too bad would like to fly 320
Maybe you’re lucky when you get back. I’ll push the thumbs!
Flightradar24 is usually very well informed.
So Fligradar is always right.