Sind Fahrprüfer beim 2. mal netter?

Ein Freund von mir ist durchgefallen letzte Woche weil er 3 mal zu schnell gefahren ist, weil er die Schilder nicht gesehen hat.

Der Prüfer und Lehrer sagten aber zu ihm, dass er sehr gut gefahren ist an sich. Und eigentlich alles gepasst hat. Und es halt schade ist.

Wird der Prüfer dann beim nächsten mal nochmal alles durchgehen mit einparken 45 min fahren etc.

ODER ist er dann nicht mehr so wie er es beim 1. mal ist und lässt ihn nicht mehr so lange fahren weil er eigentlich weiß, dass er es kann?

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8 months ago

My first examiner went out because he wanted to hand me the driver’s license when the car was rolling forward.

He cried: Come back when they can drive.

The second examiner was hungry and read about me during the lunch break to the sausage stand and I passed.

So it’ll be better for the second time and you’ll get a nice examiner.

I hope for you and your friend,

8 months ago
Reply to  JMsummer

Better then.

8 months ago
Reply to  JMsummer

No matter what way, you’re nodded.

8 months ago
Reply to  DianaValesko

Thanks for the ⭐ I am very happy, all the best for you

8 months ago

If you’ve slept over it for one night, you’ll have done better. And the few driving hours are going fast, it’s not gonna take long.

8 months ago

No, it’s not because the result remains the same. Through the excitement, volatility errors happen, the next time you should try to relax beforehand.

8 months ago

Examination is exam and he has to show everything that “requested” will be again. It may also be that he gets a completely different examiner and then has no pre-knowledge.

But to miss 3 signs on a short trip is not really good in road traffic

8 months ago

Your friend makes mistakes because he didn’t pass the test, and that’s why the examiner isn’t nice for you? I don’t understand that logic.

Your friend has to take more driving hours. This is what he has done: to keep to the signs. He could seem to have parked or approached the mountain, so that the driving hours may not be enough.

In the driving test, however, he must show all his skills. And not just that he can read signs.

8 months ago

So the test guidelines are the same on each trip. The tester cannot simply shorten the ride autonomously. Besides, the examiner hardly knows how you drove, what you could do well, why you fell through…

In addition, at the 2nd time another examiner can come, who has at most the note that you (or your friend) have already fallen through 1x.

8 months ago

In principle, the testers must pay attention to the entire driving behavior during each test and not only to certain aspects such as maintaining the speed or the face of the shoulder when bending.

Even if the examiner should be the same, it does not guarantee that he still remembers the first test.

That is why my advice: assumes that the examiner will respect everything and ask for everything.

All in all, however, these are only people.

8 months ago

A friend of mine failed last week because he drove three times too fast because he didn’t see the signs.

But surely it’s about yourself:

Or is he no longer as he is at the first time and does not let him drive for so long because he actually knows he can?

He, or You obviously can’t.

And of course, in the second test, the same standards are set as in the first.

8 months ago

because he actually knows he can” Then why did he fall through? It’s a contradiction.

8 months ago

Hi, JMsummer. 😊

You’ll have another examiner the second time.

Don’t make yourself crazy now.

Greetings, Renate. 😊

8 months ago
Reply to  JMsummer

You’ll see. Nonetheless, don’t go crazy…. that works.