Sind euch eure eltern peinlich?
Ich hab wirklich viele Freunde die sagen das ihre Eltern sie nerven und ihnen peinlich sind. Ich bin ja 14 aber mir ist das eigentlich überhaupt nd peinlich. Wenn ich mit meinen Eltern unterwegs bin geb ich ihnen einen Kuss und umarme sie ganz normal. Si d euch eure Eltern peinlich oder nerven sie euch (und sind eine last wie meine Freundin sagt)?
It’s not unusual at age. In part, it’s like you get into your hair with your parents because you know everything better. That was not the case with me, but even if you want to understand yourself in the public space, you can show that you are quite grown up, of course, it doesn’t work like that when mom or dad are there. 🙂
But here there is a healthy average and understanding parents know that. No, not everything that parents do is embarrassing, yet should allow young people maximum autonomy in such situations.
I used to be embarrassed because they were not as warm and hospitable to my friends as their parents to me. In the whole, but not. Now I hope I won’t be embarrassing my children.
I also probably already
Sometimes my mother is embarrassing and above all, extremely undiplomatic.
That’s a problem because it’s money.
I’ll get a fucking gatekeeper and he’ll even come and she’ll ask him if he’s not the Meier that’s happened to something embarrassing.
He’s like, uh, no, that’s my uncle.
Yeah, great, and my mother’s asking and asking more shit and the guy wanted to call udn never came back.