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Noisy can drive normally. It may be that there is sometimes an equilibrium check or a hearing aid cover, but you have to read it yourself.
I can only tell you what it’s like to drive with deaf people. You won’t believe it, quite normal!
Quatschen is just as good, but for listeners one-handed bears before the car mirror is a challenge. This is going to happen, somehow, but whoever isn’t at the end of an interpreter study will have considerable difficulties.
Other things are much more challenging. Try to walk through a pedestrian zone with deaf people. If you’re in front, you don’t see your mouth and you don’t see it in the back. For those who don’t have a problem but you can be happy if you don’t bang against every single lantern stake.
always think that people are stupid because they can’t hear. most deaf people I know are driving really good car. Ok there are also which I get scared but rather because they drive too fast not because too bad
No, that’s right. Unhealthy or hearing-restricted people may make the driver’s license, and also retain it if they had it when they could hear it (good).
Those who can’t drive are blind.
The limitations and conditions in hearing loss can be found in No 2 of the table in Appendix 4 FeV:
It is possible without advice etc.
Also fully pigeon may acquire the driving licence