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If you no longer live with parents, there is a claim for child money, a separate registration is present and you are not mined by parents. You get a child’s allowance, at least the child’s money is yours.
If you can submit a branch application to the family fund, you will find expression on the Internet.
Are the parents in the case not legally obliged to pay maintenance? So would you get into trouble if you don’t?
If the child is not in school or in-company training or There is also no entitlement to maintenance.
In addition, the excerpt should be necessary because of the training or another serious reason or wanted by the parents.
It would then be necessary to examine a possible priority claim depending on the type of training, i.e. in an initial training BAB – from the Employment Agency, or in a school education or Studies on Bafög – from Bafög – Office.
As the income of the parents and, if necessary, the net remuneration of their own would then come to an end, of course, to the performance of the parents.
If the child no longer resides in the household of the parents, there is currently a claim for a maintenance of 930 euros per month.
If the child would now make a school education or study and claim to Bafög – then it would be up to the level of the parents’ income and what it would then give to Bafög.
Then the child gets the child’s money of currently 250 euros and then the bafög – if the child would then come to this 930 euros, there is usually no longer a claim for maintenance from the parents.
Even if the excerpt was necessary or wanted by the parents and the parents would be capable of performance.
If the child were to be below these 930 euros, the parents were able to benefit and the withdrawal was necessary or wanted by the parents, then they would have to pay the difference as a maintenance.
In an initial training with a remuneration, this was somewhat different, because of course this also applies to the 930 Euro and also with the 250 Euro children’s money.
Only then can the net remuneration pay a flat-rate amount of 100 euros for training-related expenses.
Child benefit and possibly. BAB – would then also be counted on the adjusted net remuneration, the child comes to this EUR 930, and parents would normally not have to pay any maintenance.
Super detailed and unmistakably explained, great thanks!!!
Your excerpt would have to be necessary first or wanted by parents, then in the case of performance they would theoretically also be obliged to maintain your.
A possible priority claim for BAB or Bafög would have to be examined.
Do not get min from the parents after excerpt. Stay in the amount of the child’s money, then at least the child’s money is yours.
The withdrawal must be notified to the family fund.
Your parents can give you the child’s money or if you’re the only child entitled to child’s money, they can give your bank account as a recipient, a change message can be found on the Internet.
You could put a branch if the parents don’t want to give you the child’s money.
The whole thing is then examined by the family fund, they will write to the parents and ask to comment on them with deadlines.
If the parents don’t give them any maintenance, the application should be accepted and you should receive a corresponding repayment from the family fund from the preliminary settings of the child benefit.
Thank you for the detailed description! So if I’m studying and moved out of my home and now I want to make a branching request, my parents wouldn’t be in trouble if I asked you to pay me no maintenance, even though they’re capable of doing it?
You can “Request for payment of the child allowance” (detail request) with the form here to the competent family fund: child benefit_ba013104.pdf
PS: Parents stay the child allowances. It’s just gonna be the accountants. exchanged!
Greetings siola55
That’s it!
I would presume in advance of the withdrawal at the family fund and clarify the situation. Mostly, the existing application remains valid and only the account number is changed.
Beneficiary is the child, not the adults.
If your finances are no longer “managed” by parents, they are not eligible for reception.
The problem is that they only have to report the withdrawal (legal obligation) but so that the existing application becomes invalid and a new one is required.
With the described procedure, the waiting time and possible supply gaps can be avoided.
However, you must report the child’s ascent to the family fund.
No, there’s no more entitlement to child benefit if you move out.
Where did you get that?
Yeah, if you’re still going to school, or you’re going to study, you’re entitled to the child’s money.
Yes wants to study right after that, only they want to believe I refuse to give it to me.
And you don’t need to let that happen.
Source:'s rights/respondents-to-children’s rights/hat-man-ein-recht-auf-sein-kindergeld#:~:text=application%20to%20disbursement,and%20own%20residence%20
What am I supposed to do?