Sind Eier wegen der Arachidonsäure ungesund?
Die soll ja entzündungsfördernd sein.
Die soll ja entzündungsfördernd sein.
Magen verträgt das nicht…
mir sind gerade die Nudeln die ich auf dem Teller gemacht habe runter gefallen und habe es direkt mit Wasser ausgespült. Kann ich es trotzdem noch essen?
Hallo. Ich lebe seit 3 Jahren vegetarisch wegen den Tierwohl und weil ich es gesunder finde. Mir war aber seit Anfang an klar das ich eigentlich vegan sein möchte. Das Problem ist das ich erst 13 bin. Und da haben halt die Eltern sehr großen Einfluss auf die Ernährung. Ich hab es auch schon regelmäßig…
Ich habe seit 4 Tagen nix gegessen Ich kann essen einfach nicht schlucken Es geht einfach nicht Wie wenn man 4 mal hintereinander schluckt Warum? Und ich hab null Hunger Wirklich null nicht mal ein bisschen
Hallo zusammen, ich wollte mal fragen was ihr innerhalb der Woche zum Mittag kocht. Vielleicht kennt jemand irgendwelche leckeren Gerichte
Hey,ich würde gerne mehr Huhn essen, kann aber gerade nur eine Mikrowelle und einen Kontaktgrill verwenden. Wisst ihr vielleicht, was da gut geht / schmeckt?
Hello..for a certain number of diseases yes❗
Eggs also contain arachidonic acid, a fatty acid that is considered to be anti-inflammatory. I therefore recommend that all patients with autoimmune disorders (such as rheumatism) and chronic inflammation be dispensed with the consumption of eggs.
LG Sky…🌞🌞🌞
And MS…
Hello🙋 Bone jimmy
Thank you for the star🌟I was very happy about it🤗Be careful on this our planet only the best of all hearts 💛Sky…☀☀☀Bleib healthy🙏
Arachidonic acid itself has no influence on inflammation. However, it is converted to other signaling substances, the regulated inflammation, respiratory tracts and bleeding. Arachidonic acid is therefore very important. It’s about balance. If you have too many inflammation, you can block this metabolism with medications (Ibuprofen etc). But then you get higher risk of bleeding. So man needs arachidonic acid, but not too much and not so little.
With such statements, always be careful. In the case of food, it is in principle always the case that the quantity is decisive. Everything becomes problematic from a certain amount, only in some things it takes more or less. If you go after your logic, you shouldn’t eat anything anymore because everything can be harmful.
The body needs Arachidonic acid for its immune system. So as long as there is as much arachidonic acid in your body as it is consumed, it is also not a problem. In short, it is only from a certain amount of anti-inflammatory. Besides, as long as you have no illnesses, the body can usually put a lot away.
You might need some background information here.
Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, namely an omega-6 fatty acid. It occurs in many animal foods, not only in eggs.
Omega-6 fatty acids are, like omega-3 fatty acids, precursors of other substances in the body, which are responsible, for example, for regulating blood pressure or inflammatory processes.
Both types of fatty acid are useful. It is important that the relationship is quite true.
The problem is therefore large quantities of such foods which contain a lot of arachidonic acid. It’s not a problem to eat an egg.
Three eggs every day?
It’s just because there’s a stupid thing inside.
Then everything would be terrible and harmful because you can find anything anywhere you can write a bad property.