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Wie mache ich das ?
Only eggs would be bad.
combined with fruit and vegetables they are very good, as these poor nutrients supplement without too much carbohydrates.
They are saturating and maintain vitality and are good for the muscles.
One speaks of the low carb method and forces the body to gain its energy from fat reserves without thereby reducing the nutrient supply to health.
But the diet should be limited in time and best monitored medically. Furthermore, it is necessary to change its diet in general to avoid the jojo effect.
Every food is good or bad. It’s not the food on it, it’s how much you stuff it into you. You can also take off McDonald’s food.
There was no talk of stuffing.
Bad for the animals.
But otherwise there are many proteins in there. But not completely overdo. ;
If you’re doing sports, they’re good for protein, otherwise don’t know what it looks like in a diet.
Great package of proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals etc. It’s fast and long.
They make me sick and taste me too. But I don’t think about diets.
Well, because many proteins.