Sind diese Rotoren noch verkaufbar oder kann ich das entsorgen?

Guten Tag, habe diese Rotoren gefunden und noch ein paar weitere. Kann ein Modellbauer damit noch was anfangen oder nicht? Einer stammt aus den USA wie ich gesehen habe.

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4 months ago

what you can achieve for prices for these model motors depends very much on the condition. I can’t recognize the engines on the picture, but I’m trying to guess what you’ve got.

  • To the left, the big engine, which is mounted on a board with a tank, could be an Enya four-stroke engine for this, probably finds itself a lover.
  • The little one, with the red head and such a kind of wing mother on top. Could be a horn. I’m sure I’m not there. In any case, it’s a diesel. On the picture, the condition does not look so good. Maybe the most valuable piece in the conglomerate.
  • The very small right is a Cox with mounted silencers. Due to the silencer the size ratios are not exactly recognizable a baby but probably rather a golden bee. In the depicted state, however, it is hardly worth anything because the things have been made in gigantic numbers. Factory newly unrunned and original packed would be worth the 130 € as it is, maybe ten.
  • then there is an OS, which is mass goods still available today to buy the market value should be rather low.
4 months ago

If they are still rotating, these incandescent lighter motors can be safely sold.