Sind diese Reflektoren am Motorrad Pflicht?

Ich habe letztens mit Freunden über diese Reflektoren (siehe Bild) geredet, und mir ist aufgefallen, dass mein Motorrad die garnicht hat. Sind die Pflicht ? Bin im Internet auch nicht schlauer drüber geworden. Danke im Vorraus und guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 🙌💫

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3 years ago

Starting in 2017, Euro4 is mandatory. If they are attached at the front, they must be orange, at the rear part of the motorcycle red.

3 years ago

Yeah, it’s been a couple of years with newly approved motorcycles. (Actually all from Euro4) In the case of motorcycles that have been admitted before, etc., as always, the protection of the stock is not mandatory.

But have also seen many newer bikes without the reflectors or Dealers who have just left behind in rebuilds. However, as the legal consequences of a control are, I cannot say.

3 years ago

They’ve been mandatory for a few years.