sind diese haribo halal?
weiss jemand on es mit rind oder schwein ist?
weiss jemand on es mit rind oder schwein ist?
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Heyy, ✨
Unfortunately, these rubber bears are not halal because it says that gelatin is in.🍬
thank you for the nice answer. I didn’t know exactly whether it was gay or bark, but thanks to many.
Must call in Bonn
Yeah, looks like they’re suitable for vegetarians.
So fits.👍
In Germany mostly not. If you buy the haribo in uk, they are usually necklined and it’s also extra
pity, was a few days ago in uk
Next time:)
How do you recognize that?
If there’s gelatin, it’s usually pig. Otherwise there is beef gelatin
achso, I thought one would recognize on another ingredient whether it is from bark or black. Thank you
Not helal
No, they’ve got jelly as an ingredient.
the halal gum bears can only throw into the tonne, which taste grayish.
Luckily everyone has a different taste
There are vegan rubber bears. They are often served at events as they are suitable for everyone.
The taste is often not so much the problem. The problem is replacing the gelantine. Vegan substitutes do not create the same consistency. Vegi bears are therefore often more pappy and more sticky.
but there is also a jelly only I don’t know what it is. barakallahu fee
colleagues had once caught a bag halal gums and brought along. that was extra in the clear text “halal” on the packaging.
I know lol. I like the one with animal gelatin
always have such an app where you have to scan so barcode and then tell you if it’s halal but there’s nothing out there.