Sind diese folgenden Veganen Lebensmittel gut für den Muskelaufbau?
1. Linsen
2. Kichererbsen
3. Tofu
4. Tempeh
5. Quinoa
6. Chiasamen
7. Hanfsamen
8. Haferflocken
9. Sonnenblumenkerne
10. Spinat
Und zu guter letzt Nüsse.
Sind das wirklich gute Lebensmittel um Muskeln aufzubauen, soddass man da keine Tierisches Eiweiss braucht?
Oder wäre das zu wenig wegen weniger Bioverfügbarkeit? Warum bin ich so davon überzeugt, dass man Vegan sehr viel mehr schwierigkeiten hat Protein zu kriegen? Vorurteil? Wissenschaft? Ich meine es gibt Studien die sagen Vegane Produkte haben weniger Protein-Bioverfügbarkeit, aber sind die falsch?
All prejudice that you do not come to your proteins via vegan diet. The stuff you have listed is already good but there are definitely missing the things that really have a lot of protein per 100g. And that’s the side, soy-and-grain granules. The three have about 50-60g per 100g and thus far more protein per 100g such as animal products and all that you have listed so far.
Legumes such as lentils, beans and chickpeas are also great and are actually part of every diet (as long as they are tolerated, but that applies to everything). Spinach, on the other hand, has practically no protein, but iron and other important vitamins. Nuts have proteins, but above all healthy fats (you should not overdo with the amount as well as saates, seeds and kernels).
You can not only feed on rice and beans.
I’m not just eating rice and beans. Rice is more often the week because I prefer to eat Mark like noodles, but with me there is something else to eat and always very varied, balanced and healthy. Beans are even more rare because other things just taste better.
Good, yeah.
Animal protein is better absorbed because digestion does not have to fight through cell walls. Ballasts, which are nevertheless very important, can hinder the absorption of nutrients. Some amino acids such as the essential, abundant in animal products, promote muscle growth more strongly. Das a whole could be compensated by taking more protein.
The problem here is that these foods still have other nutrients that make it harder to eat enough protein and to stay at the daily requirement. Many are also voluminous, which can be exhausting.
Spinach is rich in soluble oxalic acid, which can promote cardiovascular diseases. Once a week, instead of using it as a protein source.
The “Trick” is to combine various vegetable protein sources to obtain a complete amino acid profile.
This is very well explained by Dr. Malte Puchert on the basis of Stephan Pütz:
Where amino acids such as methionine or leucine should be kept lower anyway because they cause problems. Plants have less of it. Nature is not stupid. We are tuned to plants.
And yes, there are no problems with proteins at all. You don’t have to worry about that. As long as you eat enough calories you automatically absorb enough proteins. And those who want to build more muscles can simply take vegan protein powder.
The whole panic thing about protein deficiency is propaganda of the animal product industry.
Construction still drilling
I don’t know