Sind dies schon Geheimratsecken? Bedeutet dass, ich bekomme eine Glatze?

Ich 23 mache mir in letzer Zeit ein paar Gedanken um meine Haare. Ich hatte schon immer einen eher höheren Haaransatz, habe aber das Gefühl, ich bekomme langsam Geheimratsecken.

Jetzt habe ich gelesen, das Geheimratsecken sich immer mehr zu einer Glatze entwickeln. Ich will ehrlich gesagt nicht, mit unter 30 Jahre eine Glatze haben. Zumal mein Vater mit über 50 immer noch volles Haar hat. Nur mein Opa hat eine Glatze.

Kann man diesbezüglich irgendwie gegensteuern? Bedeutet Geheimratsecken automatisch Glatzenbildung? Wie lange dauert der Prozess dann, bis ich hinten auch “lichtes” Haar bekomme?

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4 months ago

The image is taken from a bad angle and therefore hardly meaningful to anything. But as it looks rough (as it can’t be judged with the picture) you may have more pronounced secret council corners, which usually indicates inherited hair loss. In order to counter this, you should consult a dermatologist who can determine whether this is actually an inherited hair loss and then propose a treatment, e.g. with minoxidil.

4 months ago


2 months ago
Reply to  Fernweh577

Yes, of course, go to the doctor’s house and let Finasterid prescribe you. In addition, you can also buy Minoxidil as a topical solution, which is freely available. The cheapest in an online pharmacy. However, the already dead hair roots no longer grow, as only a hair transplant would help. I did too, so if you have any questions, I’d like to answer them to you. In addition, the hereditary hair loss is inherited from the X chromosome, so you cannot look at your father to close your situation. More like the mother’s father.


4 months ago
Reply to  Fernweh577

No. The whole forum is flooded with such questions. Women suffer from hanging buses and hanging winters. Men just on hair loss

4 months ago
Reply to  ThaliaNaMi

Hair transplant or baldness 😕

4 months ago

And as a PTA, you don’t have any OTC preparations that fall into you?

3 months ago

You should have medical advice. There are now treatment methods.If you don’t do anything you’re stealing up to the backhead hair in a few years!