Sind die Supermärkte bei Euch auch so miserabel bestückt heute?

Bei mir sah es schon heute morgen im Supermarkt recht ausverkauft aus. Kann es sein dass die Supermärkte wegen dem langen Weihnachten nicht so viele Waren übrig haben wollen?

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1 year ago

Yeah, that can be a reason. because it is precisely when it comes to fresh goods that they should be disposed of because they do not necessarily stop over the entire weekend and the next days until the store reopens. That’s why you shouldn’t make your purchases on the last press, but it’s best for a few days or weeks before.

Otherwise, it can also be easy that the goods have not yet been deleted depending on how early you were there this morning or that the items were already sold out because all on the last pusher of course have to make their Christmas purchases

1 year ago
Reply to  Singuli

Then it was just not allowed yet 🤷

1 year ago

You just bought it empty

It is almost every year that the staff do not fill up with the shelves and that some things go out completely…

1 year ago

Yeah, they’re miserable.

1 year ago

I rather typify that there were problems in the central warehouse due to the strike in the retail sector and so some orders from the market were not delivered.