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Of course, on a December 23rd,
if this day is a working day, so is not a Sunday and a holiday,
all supermarkets in our country open!
And as they always are!
From 7 a.m. to evening 20, 21 or 22 a.m. – depending on the market!
Next Monday, 23rd December 2024!
Of course, with normal opening hours. And even on Tuesday, most of them have opened until 14:00…
Supermarkets are usually open on Mondays. Unless there’s a holiday.
With us in Austria already.- mostly on the 24th morning.
Yes, they are regular (:
Of course. Monday is an ordinary working day
Monday is a normal weekday. Why wouldn’t they get up?
Yeah, they’re open.
On Monday is no holiday, so they are open
Yes, they are.
Yes they are on
Monday to 20-23 and Tuesday to noon.
Yes, and by 2:00 on Tuesday.
Wrong! On 23 December all supermarkets are open until evening!
Tuesday is the 24th And there’s about 2:00.
And I also answered that with JA. Got it? Don’t be so aggressive. I didn’t do anything to anyone. Leave me alone.
The 23rd! D a s wanted to know the FS: O b on Monday have the supermarkets open! And on Tuesday! Got it?
Sure, why shouldn’t that be?
I’d like to say no to save the staff.
Supermarkets have now opened normally on Monday.
Clear and also on Tuesday a whole ham