Sind die Satzzeichen innerhalb dieses Satzes korrekt?

Zu meinen persönlichen Interessen und Eigenschaften zählen; das eigenständige Arbeiten an Problemstellungen, die Gruppenleitung von diversen Projekten und die pünktliche übergabe an die Kunden.

Ist dieser Satz grammatikalisch korrekt? Der Inhalt könnte sich etwas aendern, wichtig ist mir allerdings, dass die Satzzeichen korrekt sind.

Kann z.B. nach “Zu meinen persönlichen Interessen und Eigenschaften zählen” ein Semikolon kommen oder doch lieber Doppelpunkt?

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2 years ago

In this whole sentence, required phrase is only one comma after “Problems.

The semicolon there would simply be wrong, a double point would not be impossible, but with such a small number of denominations in such an elegant set, which is only a single main set, is completely superfluous. Nomen, however, always require ample writing, because control is required!

2 years ago

The semicolon is missing here.

“My strengths and priority interests include independent work on problems and group management in various projects. In addition, it is always important for me to be able to ensure a punctual handover to the customers.”

I have changed the text, because I find it somewhat strange to call “the punctual handover” as an interest or as a property of a person. I think the term “ownership” is problematic at all: how can group management and punctual transfer properties be? If you want to keep your text, then:

My personal interests and characteristics include independent work on problems, group management of 1 diverse projects and punctual work
Tto the customers.

1 Really “of”?

2 years ago

I would be a double point from the semicolon, then it fits according to my feeling.

2 years ago

The semicolon is wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  catweazle01

I can only confirm that.

2 years ago
Reply to  MachBasics

Nothing, that’s the continuous set, the commas will put you right in the lists

2 years ago

Leave the semicolon away and write “transition”.