Sind die Knoten in der Brust normal?

Ich bin 18 und war vor ca. 2 bis 3 Jahren bereits beim Frauenarzt wegen schmerzhaften Knoten in der Brust (sie waren sehr groß und Druck empfindlich). Damals meinte sie das es nur Gewebe war. Es war jetzt wieder besser, jedoch habe ich jetzt wieder große Knoten in der Brust. Sie nehmen beinahe die ganze Brust hälfte ein und sind beim Nippel frei, zusätzlich sind sie auch schmerzempfindlich. Wird es wieder nur Gewebe sein und sollte ich wieder zum Frauenarzt?

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2 years ago

Hello Fijo04,

Will it be tissue again and should I become a female doctor?

In any case, your doctor will adequately answer this question with his medical expertise after examination (or otherwise carry out or initiate further investigations); in any case better than complete lay people pure due to a description in an absolutely non-specific internet forum. For this reason, I would recommend that you be given “big knots”, “nearly the whole breast,” especially if pain sensations are associated with it, in any case, to be presented to the female physician of your trust.

Greetings ðŸTM‚

2 years ago

Swabian answer to the question: “But now I have big knots in my chest.” :

“Om Godd’s Willa, who does it so ebbas…”

Not serious; if you don’t trust your doc, go to another…

2 years ago

You better go to the hospital or to the other doctor, that doesn’t just sound like tissue. The tissue is not usually so large definitively examined by another doctor. He can scan and investigate it. Sure is safe because only a doctor can find the cause. Is anyone from your family suffering from breast cancer or did someone have the same symptoms?

2 years ago
Reply to  Fijo04

Then it can be possible to go to another doctor for security