Sind die Justiz nur in den deutschsprachigen Ländern so Streng oder ganz Europa / Welt?
Ich habe per E-Mail an die Staatsanwaltschaft Vaduz (Liechtenstein.) einen E-Mail geschrieben und die haben mir darüber keinen Auskunft gegeben obwohl die mir geantwortet haben.
Laut dieser E-Mail konnte ich den Eindruck gewinnen, dass die so Streng waren und Hartnäckig.
Und ich frag mich, sind die Staatsanwaltschaften nur in den Deutschsprachigen Ländern so Streng? Oder in ganz Europa vielleicht auch Welt.
Of course you will not answer
But this has nothing to do with German.
This is certainly so all over the world that you don’t get any information by email
That the US does not do American justice either.
Or in Russia / People’s Republic of China
Yes clear
If you think so, I’ll give you your fun
Engelhardts are as strong as iron 🙂
I have no chance against them!
Definitely no!
Have I seen in Nuremberg and Ansbach?
Why keep dreaming?
That was so.
Engelhardt was the greatest enemy
In 2015 and 2016.
They destroyed me
I don’t know what you want to say and I don’t know what this has to do with the question.
Obviously you are very confused
My old actors are also gone
2016 was the last part of my movie.
At that time there were Hoßmann, Engelhardt, Meyer, Schirmer, Kaas von Nürnberg-Ost, but they are no longer in my new case.
Because they’ve all become older.
I’m still in the film as the main person (Täter.).