Sind die jungen Leute Ende der 90er Anfang 2000er wirklich alle mit nur so einer Techno Bass Musik rumgefahren?
Wenn ich mir Videos aus der Zeit anschaue, kommt das Klischee auf, die jungen Leute sind damals alle mit lauter Techno Musik im Auto gefahren die ständig gleich klang.
Ich kann mich nur ganz schwach daran erinnern, da ich noch sehr jung gewesen bin. Es hatte jedoch den Anschein das es so was, jedenfalls in Polen. Dort fuhren wir immer die Familie besuchen und diese Musik Stiel hielt dort viel länger als in Deutschland. Man hörte dort ständig laute Anlagen mit Techno Musik im Auto.
Aus heutiger Sicht sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig.
Many have done this, but techno is also often used with trance or Eurodance or Europop confuses because the way of production at the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s was generally very bass-loaded, even Schlager sometimes sounded very “techno-oriented” and only worries.
Can I get to many young people or Reminiscent of drivers who had very high-watt installations in their cars (Golf II, Opel Kadett E, Ford Escort, Audi 80, old 3rd BMW) and thus drove through the area. This was somehow part of it, that was just like dark glued discs, stickers of hi-fi brands (often Kenwood or Fujitsu Ten) as well as “sporty” wheel caps from the construction market and at the golf occasionally black rear lights. I’ll see that before me.
From today’s point of view, of course, this is a little strange, but what is that afterward? I mean, even the fashion of that time is special to today’s standards, just to mention an example 🙂
Of course, the carts were electromagnetically wound after an accident.
No, it wasn’t different than today. Everyone did not do that, as not everyone today hears Kpop or RAP.
This was also more Eurodance than Terchno.
But hello. . . . .I had ’92 my driver’s license and had two years later such a system in the trunk that slipped my rear window out of the rubbers when I was completely screwed up.
Today I smile and think my part. But then it was. And there were only bass-loaded tracks in the player. Or real scratches. I remember the 11 minutes version of Salva Mea of the band Faithless. And then give him.
The box had to bounce. .