Sind die Jinjer Gitarrentabs korrekt?
Konkret geht es um diesen Abschnitt bei dem grünen Balken. Das ist aus dem Song “Teacher, Teacher!”
Ich kann mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen, dass Roman, der Gitarrist von Jinjer, das exakt so live spielt.
Ich habe mir mal mehrere Gitarrencovers und Liveaufnahmen angeschaut und die Bewegung von der Pickinghand sieht nicht so schnell aus, wie dort dargestellt.
Kann jemand von euch den Song zufällig spielen und weiss, wie der Teil gespielt wird?
So the tabs in the official version are the same, so it will have its correctness.
I’ve already looked at several guitar tabs and it’s all the same. And I’ve already played it. It’s kind of feasible, but still damn hard. I’m about at 70% speed
But how would you play that? The song has 140bpm. From the Rythmus, I would pick up the first chord, then hold the next 3 with aging picking and start the first with downpicking. At the second stroke of the clock start again with downpicking. Does that make sense, or would you rather start aging at the second stroke?
If I look at this, I would play the Palm Mutes in place with Alternate Picking, because that’s a gallop from rhythm. The chords without but then again with downpicking.
But it’s hard to say because I haven’t done the song yet and that’s always a thing of feeling somewhere.
It’s just different to me, though it’s going to work out a bit.
The guy’s a machine. I think he is one of the most underestimated guitarists and one of my favorites when it comes to Rythmusgitarrists.
With pure aging picking, I don’t find it so fast. But this gallop reef goes very much on stamina because of the downpicking parts. 140bpm with triols is anyway like 210bpm with eighths. And I’m not like the Downpicking Professional 🥲😂
It’s all a matter of practice. As far as I know, he has a jazz training behind him and has been doing this for a few years. Apart from the fact that he can probably live well by now.
In fact, 16ths at 140 bpm are not so fast.
That’s what I meant. And that’s really emotional. But I think it feels kind of weird when I start after the gallop (i.e. on the second stroke) with aging picking and so you can somehow not build the speed properly.
It’s still very fast played. I can’t believe Roman can do this live like that.