Sind die gebüren die bei kartenzahlung anfallen Geschäft Leuten in eu Ausland egal?
Im EU Ausland wird zb das 0,25 Brötchen von sb Bäcker mit Karte gezahlt und niemand beschwert sich außer der deutsche
In Deutschland las ich je nach vertag 0,20-035 Gebühren pro Transaktion
Oder xy von gesamtumsatz das lohnt sich ehr für supermarkt ect
There are also different fares in Germany for every need. For bakeries, flat rates are suitable, for example, in which devices and already a certain volume of sales are included in a monthly fixed price. Thus, for a single package, there is no excessively expensive transaction fee in relation to the sales price.
Actually, every store in Germany can pay cards without problems if it uses the right offer and reasonably calculates. But in this country, some are obviously greedy and/or would like to get past the tax office.
Because the fees for card payments are cheaper than the cost of cash traffic. Because cash also costs the dealer money:
Other cost structures probably 🤷 ♂️
I don’t care when do I go abroad?