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was ist das?
hallo seit circa zwei tagen ist es da. ich kam samstag abend nachhause und es hat angefangen zu jucken. seither geht es nicht weg und es juckt echt stark. weiß einer was es ist und wie ich es los werde. ich hab fenestil drauf gemacht aber es hilft nicht. mein finger ist auch leich angeschwollen
Borreliose, Sport?
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Kann mir jemandsagen was ich da hab?
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Soll ich zum Arzt nach 1 Monat lang Herpes?
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Hast du einen schnellen Herzschlag?
Ich habe wegen Angst einen schnellen Herzschlag.
Muss das genäht werden?
Ich habe mir diese wunde mit einem messer versehentlich zugefügt die beiden bilder sind mit 3 stunden unterschied entschtanden das 1 unmitelbar nach dem das messer auf den oberen teil meines knies viel das andere 3 stunden danch bitte schnelle antwort
Here again:
If tumours are suspected, including brain tumors, increased levels of tumour markers such as CA 125, PSA, AFP and CEA can occur in the blood. In addition, general blood-image changes such as increased leukocytes, anemia, increased inflammatory markers (CRP, ESR) as well as increased LDH and electrolyte values (calcium, ALP, liver enzymes) can give indications.
No tumors can be detected directly via blood values. In addition, a CT or MRT with contrast agent is made to locate the tumor and confirm the diagnosis.
So the inflammatory values are increased???
No, you have to make an MRI I’ve told you a hundred times.
Your brain tumor is visible on the MRI.
A tumor must not be inflamed.
But he has a tumor. But then you can not only see the MRI with inflammatory values
Package? No. There are no unambiguous laboratory values that demonstrate a brain tumor.
But there are a lot of people who form a brain tumor and brain around at home instead of being able to explain quickly.
Are only the inflammatory values increased in tumors?
No, you can’t recognize that from the inflammation. Certain tumors are not seen at all with an inflammatory value because the tumor is not at all recognized as an inflammation.
So you’ll have to do an MRT
I know I’ve been tormenting him for a few months.
But has been locked again and his account comes to my list then I can let him lock it even faster if he has a new one
Read the answers of the other 150 accounts. Yes, or ask Mutti, it can certainly bring you to the doctor with the right discipline.
Have you fallen too much on your head, or what are you doing here?
It’s not about him. It’s about you.
I think he just wants to have tips to look more authentic.
Did he have a twist?
It’s not about my workmates, it’s about you.
Tell the Synthome!
In the case of brain tumors asking for symptoms is quite pointless, because it is crucial, above all, to the exact location of the tumor which and what symptoms can show.
Yes, I’ll call your mother again that it’s not about my colleague, but about your life and about you and not about him.
But symptoms I want to know here
Be honest now otherwise I call my mother they make fear dead prince!!!!
It’s not about my colleagues, it’s about you and the MRI
But what Synthome did he have???
This is not about my workmates, but about you. Your life and your MRI and your tumor.
That’s nonsense. You do not even see all the inflammatory processes on the basis of the inflammatory values. Brain tumors are usually not inflamed, so also no increased inflammatory values.
What symptoms did your colleague have??
No, you can’t. A MRT is necessary
You can