Sind die Eier befruchtet?

Wir haben Eier von unseren Nachbarn bekommen (er hat ein paar Hennen und ienne Hahn). Wir haben die Eier unter der Wärmelampe gewärmt und liegen gelassen. Wir sind noch ziemlich unerfahren und wollen wissen, ob die Eier befruchtet sind oder nicht. Es ist der 2. Tag.

Ei 1

Ei 2

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4 years ago

I’m sure you don’t know it until 7:00. How do I have to imagine the heat lap? The brothing of eggs is a highly complex process that can not be easily adjusted with a heat lamp. Did you measure the temperature? How did you want to regulate the humidity?

The problem is that in some mistakes not only do not slip chicks, but often crippled animals with misalignments, too big eyes, sometimes even with more/less legs. And then the joy of brooding is over very quickly.

If you’re just doing this just under a heat lamp, I’d advise you to stop the attempt or try it again with new eggs with a stringed brooding apparatus.

4 years ago

After the 7 day you see it and best use an incubator

4 years ago

You can shoot the eggs from the 7th day. On the 2nd day you can’t see anything.