Sind die ARD und ZDF noch neutral?
Sie bringen ja manchmal komige Aussagen oder Regeln
Wie meine Damen und Herren
Sie bringen ja manchmal komige Aussagen oder Regeln
Wie meine Damen und Herren
Im TV – Format Stranger Sins sollen Paare echten Sex vor der Kamera haben.
Ich sehe das einfach total gerne
Danke für jede ernst gemeinte Antwort/ Hilfestellung 👍😊
Hey, ich schaue zurzeit Gilmore Girls zum ersten mal. Ich bin bei Staffel 3 Folge 14 und finde es nicht schlecht, aber die Serie kommt für mich nicht an meine Lieblingsserien wie zum Beispiel prison break oder bridgerton ran. Viele Freunde von mir haben Gilmore Girls geguckt und lieben die Serie. Wenn ich die Serie…
Das man Beispielsweise in der richtigen Schlafphase aufwacht. Wie sind Eure Erfahrungen? Möglichkeiten vorm schlafen gehen: Möglichkeit 1: Bis 21:00 Uhr ein Computerspiel spielen und von 21:00 – 21:30 in Bett etwas lesen. Möglichkeit 2: Bis 21:00 Uhr ein Computerspiel spielen und von 21:00 – 21:30 ein Video auf Youtube gucken. Möglichkeit 3: Bis 20:00…
Ich glaube schon lange nichts mehr.
Unfortunately, the question is already incorrect. Neutrality is not their task. You should Balanced report. This means that one-sided opinions can and should be represented, only then must the opposite position – not necessarily at the same point – also be mentioned.
Of opinions is Information to distinguish. They are obliged to report independently, objectively, truthfully and comprehensively and to maintain objectiveness and impartiality. s. § 26 Media State Contract
Television or public broadcasting has always been subjectively undermining policy and system criticism is not to be expected – that is, if there is it, then the moderator or editor will soon be shy. The control bodies (Rundfunkrat der ARD and ZDF-Fernsehrat) consist mainly of representatives of CDU pre-field organisations such as kath. Church, Landwives, Community Day, City Day, European Union, Sales Associations, something in the way. Most of the seats are occupied by the prime ministers of the countries with their specially selected people, who certainly do not tell them what they do not want to hear or what they do. CDU-nah are (one looks at the state governments) and accordingly influence the program – they already have an interest to report CDU-nah or at least CDU-friendly. I wouldn’t even say that “left green” is being propagated. I also do not think that the SPD or the Greens are getting away well – there are not much positive news about both of them.
Many do not know that, but it explains parts of the program design and political undertones in separate series like the “Tatort” quite here and there.
However, the subject has always been worrying and had already in the 80s the stuff about the eternal Zankapfel (“Kohlfunk” was a buzzword), but in my opinion, with the chancellor Angela Merkels (the mainstream media) at the latest around 2015-2018, it is gradually drifting into the rail “CDU and Merkel well, all the other evil and bad vision” (you should be able to read between the lines) A very interesting topic, by the way: After the operation had failed before the Federal Constitutional Court in 1963, the ZDF – with which I personally can not only clarify the content better with “today” than with the ARD, its polittalks with the constant guest crowd and their daily show, because I have the ZDF as much freer or more. more politically neutral than the ARD.
The private broadcasters are far less politically undermined, especially since there are no such control bodies and no Proporz or not an educational order – you want to entertain people there and “entertainen”, not but teach them and not tell them who to choose and who not. In the past, there were also rumors here and there, I remember Leo Kirch and Helmut Kohl (Kirch was involved in Sat.1), but direct influence on the Sat.1 program did not exist here in my knowledge, that was more a private friendship that led to certain vulnerabilities.
I lack more than ever transmission formats like “Frontal” with Bodo H. Hauser and Ulrich Kienzle (“Noch Questions, Kienzle? Yes, Hauser!”), which can be trusted as a viewer and where the layman is also informed instead of guardianship.
Definitely not
If you see neutral so that everyone who makes a contribution there can say what he wants, then yes.
So everyone can express his opinion at the day’s show? Interesting
We’re talking about the contributors, and they’re saying what you want and cut the post as you want.
Only who is looking for the contributors?
In the context of equality, one could exchange the address “men and women” every second time. That men are called first.
The fact that the broadcasters are not politically neutral could be seen very clearly before the last parliamentary election. First baerbock was highly praised in heaven, when it was recognizable that she had no chance to show anything badly.
I don’t know
But thanks for the answer
How many do you need xD
Of course. Ladies and gentlemen don’t have to be. Without it, the world does not go down.
They were never neutral.
Just emit the gender
Not only with it. At the day’s show you only see what you’re supposed to see.
Big Brother controls everything
Is watching you
The question can only be satire.
Anyone who consumes state radio and thinks they are neutral, is no longer to help. Do you even see people under 50?