Sind die Arbeitgeberbewertungen auf Kununu sicher?
Ich habe ein Jobangebot vom Jobcenter X für ein Jahr erhalten (Beginn: 01.08) und wohne in Y. Beim Jobcenter Y ist aber eine Stelle unbefristet und möchte mich darauf bewerben aber die Kundenbewertungen und die Bewertungen auf Kununu sind extrem mies. Was würdet ihr machen? Das Jobcenter Y hat wahrscheinlich die meisten Bürgergeldempfänger und hier wohen schon viele Assis.
Hardly someone just writes such a review…
Far over half of the contributions are probably written by people who are really mad or have already quit. Satisfaction (and objectivity) usually keeps within limits.
From the rest, however, another part is also biased, namely all the evaluations to which freshly hired or just conveyed persons are animated… “Well, how’s it going in the new job/position? Are you all right? Kill! Too bad that DAS never writes at Kununu, don’t you think…??”
It does not, of course, object to read through things, and critiques that are constantly repeating usually also reach a certain degree. However, one should take the assessments rather as an encouragement to rethink one’s own wishes and needs and to question the operating climate later somewhat more critically than as a basis for decision-making for an application…
Remember: Realistic people are mocking reviews more than they actively write positive reviews if nothing is in the argen. Some things can of course also be true, but you should always make yourself a picture.
The reviews of my employer are great, but I’m totally happy for years.
It always depends on the team, the employees in it, the superior and general morals. Either you’ve got bad luck or you’re lucky and you’ve got a great deal.
Reviews you can neglect idR, are more and more negatively aligned, has always been so and will always remain so that people log in somewhere to leave frustration than vice versa.
I’ve been with an employer who has been badly rated at Kununu, and after that I could understand most of the criticisms.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that this applies to all reviews.
They’re talking about bossing and that the incorporation is very stressful. But the job center is safer AG
You can never be sure on the Internet.
The best thing is to get you and if the place is nothing for you in the after, then you’ll go somewhere else.
It is about two jobs at the job center, one at the location A and the other location B. The difference is that the one sets an indefinitely. It’s a difficult decision.
Thank you.
The job center as a public service company is of course interesting, especially as regards occupational retirement.
I can’t really help you with this decision.
You have to decide after your abdominal feeling and see what’s going on in the end.
But then I have to announce the place I’m going to take in August. AG is the job center. I’m afraid if I quit this job to get the other one and then I don’t have my old job at JC either.
Sure is nothing. Not at all in the Internet.
You can apply, make trial days, and then you can see on.
But you can also research the company as a whole – being stubborn is your good right.
Here is a doctor who also has negative reviews. He also commented a lot briefly, with two he wrote in: they are not a patient with me….you can only comment with full name.
So better make a picture yourself, especially if you have no alternatives.
As an alternative, I have admitted the Jobcenter X for one year and the other Jobcenter offers the same place indefinitely.
so slowly I get what it is. You’ve described it badly. You answered the other one after several questions, so I understand what you mean.
As the one already writes, difficult to guess. If the employer’s assessments are in order with the fixed-term agency you have already promised, then do so. Jobcenter should have a certain interest in taking over people. If you have the impression that the Klinetel is different there, I wouldn’t take that indefinite. Especially since you can say calm conscience before you that you don’t want to cancel.
But I want to be guilty of nix, I’m just pretending….
Thank you. I’m thinking about it.