Sind die Animes wirklich so gut?
Hey Leute,
Kurze Frage: sind lain,ergo proxy und soul eater eurer Erfahrung nach gut? Woe würdet ihr bewerten und was für Animes könnt ihr mir empfehlen die ähnlich wie Death Note sind? Nebenbei bin ich kein Fan von romance animes weil es dort immer Klischees gibt.Könnt ihr mir gute romance animes empfehlen damit ich ihnen nochmal eine Chance geben kann?
Es waren dann doch mehr Fragen als gedacht
Danke im Voraus
LG eure schizo whore
Soul eater I love, just say there is not really a story line, it’s just a contemporary
lain is quite complicated and (for me personally) very stubborn to look, yet a great anime
ergo proxy I don’t know
I recommend: villain crybaby, Uzumaki (read only), erased, evangelion, elfenlied, Alice in borderland (top top top top), another and also monster as well as Helsing, goes so and in the direction:)
at romance I don’t know, but weathering with you was very sweet and was also a great movie 👍
I have looked respectfully all your recommendations for your helpful answer!
But there is someone very good taste, again and again 💗
I recommend all 3 and as Romance
Can I recommend as Basic Komi can’t communicate ( Romance, Slice of Life )
So Soul Eater is a bit boring, and I don’t know the other.
Code Geass – a thriller with a very strong protagonist, as in Death Note also moral consequences and strategic struggles.
Monster – A psychological thriller dealing with deep questions about human nature, morality and the impact of decisions.
clannade – especially the after story is very moving and emotional. Can initially seem cliché-like
Violet Evergarden – emotional and visually impressive anime. One of the best soundtracks and also the protagonist. Deep topics, e.g. the understanding of love.
Love is War – humorous and psychological duel between two students. The series revolves around the sophisticated and often absurd strategies, the two pupils, to help others to confess their feelings.
Can only say something about Soul Eater, I found it well, from all the characters, was also quite exciting and entertaining. Would still give it a 7.5 of 10, because the end in the manga should be much better.
So there’s something like a parody of Death Note that calls itself Kiss Note, but that’s probably going too much in a romance direction so something you don’t like.
From your own experience, you can say that Soul Eater is definitely very good and that you can recommend it. In Romance and Animes the Death Note would be recommended:
Death Note:
ergo proxy and Serial Experiments Lain are good if you are standing on deep atmospheric anime I have loved them
Serial Experiments Lain is really good, but you need to be interested in really deep psychological themes, so you don’t get out immediately.
Ergo Proxy is not so bad, but definitely also really good.
I don’t know Soul Eater.
I do not know the proposed animes or any Romance animes. But if you want something similar to Death Note, you’re with Black Butler at the right place.