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I stage the salad as healthy, tasty it is also
The Salat Bowl of North Sea has the following nutrients
Nutritional values
100gPortion Burner 333 Kaloreine
7.1 grams of fat
9.7 grams of carbohydrates
5.8 grams of protein
0.39 salt
1338Curs (kcal)79317Fett (g)1,87,1of which saturated fatty acids (g)0.52,0Carbon hydrates (g)9,739of sugar (g)2,08,0Eiwhite (g)5,823Salt (g)0,391,6
Thanks for the ⭐ I am very happy, all the best for you.
North Sea is certainly not very healthy. That’s too fat. Vitamins are hardly in there.
There’s no fat on the potatoes and vegetables.
quite a lot
I don’t know. There are different varieties. And I don’t take sauces and remuffs.
Find the portions are much small he has become the price more, salmon fillet I can also grill myself and make them with petersilerdäpfel.
At the North Sea perhaps the fish bun with matjes; the panned/fried stuff definitely not.
Bowls are usually balanced from the compilation, yes.
Joa would say
North Sea and fully match not. Much too fat, much too much frit stuff.
You don’t see the overall offer. Maybe not every store is the same. I’ll buy at the Alleecenter Hamm.
We are not talking about the total offer, but about the lunches we offer.
You should do an anti-aggression therapy.
Resign? Why are you talking to me if you really don’t have a basis for it, boredom?
I wrote that too. You don’t have to follow.
What is the insane discussion? With me the potatoes taste and no, nothing is cooked dead and kept in heat containers for hours.
You can eat the deadly cooked, non-tasting stuff. I guess you don’t know anything better and can’t cook.
And how do you prepare full lunch? Without sauces and dead boils? Tell me. Is it possible to cook yourself fully? Or where can you buy something? I’m very interested because I’m always on my way and not cook myself. Thank you.
But this is really not the case for North Sea. And dried, badly tasting or tasteless potatoes with some deadly cooked vegetables have nothing to do with full quality.
Every customer has the choice.
Again: It is about North Sea and its overall concept. What they spend on lunch and that has nothing to do with full. If you want to boast about it, please complete the whole concept. So get away with the fat, unhealthy stuff.
In most shops of all kinds there are various offers.
It’s not about individual offers. The overall concept has nothing to do with completeness.
Then we don’t talk about the same offers.
And I’m talking about Pommes, and fat-driving panads.
Me too. I talked about the potatoes and vegetables that are visibly dry and absolutely fat-free and also so taste. The fat should come from the sauce I don’t even take.
North Sea? Panoramic fish? Is that healthy??