Sind die Airpods Pro 2 Usb-C ein 1:1 Fake?
Ich habe mir Airpods 2 Pro Usb C gezogen. Diese kamen heute an und ich musste feststellen, dass die mit FOLIE verschweißt bzw. versiegelt sind. Mittlerweile sollten die doch ohne Folie ankommen oder etwa nicht oder gibt es auch Ausnahmen? Hat da jmd mehr Ahnung?
Proper, original AirPods have no more foil only the pull-off tabs, there are no exceptions. The film is typical for Fakes. You can say, “Hey Siri,” the Fakes won’t react.
Classifieds are as good as all AirPods Fake. I hope you paid with buyer protection so you can claim your money back.
Yeah, they’re fake. On the basis of the packaging and a test, I could identify it. Also, I was pretty sure that Apple didn’t use any more film. Thank you for your answer!
Whether the film now indicates original or counterfeiting is also not a security. You can also falsify. 🤷
According to my knowledge, Apple now dispenses with the film due to the environment and that’s why I’m wondering if it belongs to it.