Sind deutsche Kastanien billiger als Maronen?
Ich will die großen
Ich will die großen
Würde mich gerne interessieren 🥰
Hallo, folgendes Problem: werde jetzt wahrscheinlich nicht sterben, aber mache mir sorgen, dass es Gesundheitsschädlich sein könnte. Ich habe Kaiserschmarrn bestellt, der in einer Styroporbox ankam. Habe fast alles gegessen, nix gemerkt und erst am ende bemerkt, dass das Styropor am boden an einigen stellen “geschmolzen” ist. Basically hab ich somit Styropor/Plastik gegessen??? Wie schädlich…
Halli Hallo 🙂 Das Hauptargument in diesem Diskurs lautet ja: Frauen werden nicht mitgedacht, wenn von “Handwerker, Lehrer, Erzieher, Politiker” die Rede ist. Dies belegen ganz viele Studien. Was ich in all diesen Studien jedoch vermisse: Dass die weibliche In-Endung ausgehend von den feministischen Bewegungen in den 70er Jahren durchgesetzt wurde. Dass also heute Frauen…
Meine Schwägerin hat 42.000qm Boden auf dem Bäume stehen (Waldkiefer) wo kann man anfragen ob jemand Interesse hat diese zu kaufen? Lg
Hello, Ultraturk. 😊
You have to buy marons because our chestnuts are not suitable for consumption.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
If you mean horse chestnuts with “German chestnuts” for free because they are inedible.
I don’t know where there is a good cultivation area for marons in Germany. They are usually imported.
What do you mean “German chestnuts”?
For me, it was worth the effort, but you don’t pay a good fee for collecting, but tax- and social insurance-free (-;. and you’re kind of fun for the old hunter and collector’s inn.
Final moraine? Think spontaneously that good location. But he will bear at the earliest! in 10 years usable fruits
Yes dominate the empty hedgehogs and always!
Now on my new property, I planted something right now, but only one of the three is grown, so I have to replant.
We have an advantage in Germany: The Eßkastaniwen drill beetle is not yet coming!
We were found a few years ago in Greece, great Maronenwald, , significantly better yields, have collected kilos, (but even there were not so few LEERE hedgehogs) wanted to eat only marons a week – only were all affected by the Eßkastanien drill beetles. Wasn’t really great, we had to dispose of them, because for us disgusting, poisonous isn’t, but somehow disgusting.
I’ll get a Maronenbäumchen and I can only hope he’s concerned.
We live on a final morning, so little humus and then just sand. no good location for fruit trees.
The few Maron trees that are “groomed” to me almost had deaf fruits, and if there was something in the “yellow” then they were fat. For the yield, the effort has not been rewarded 😕
Here in the area I’ve only seen one before and then no longer found
In Germany, marons are not cultivated for sale. Nevertheless, they also grow and carry in Germany, but remain quite small. In the vicinity of Osnabrück there were at least times forests where one could gather kilo wise marons – no idea how the current state is.
Otherwise, always search the surroundings of the residence. In most places there are somewhere., and be it in parks, city forests….That I have still found nowhere in my newest place, rather amazes me, because this is not an absolute exotic for Germany, but you collect them then yourself, do not know a source of sales for those because nowhere is big fruit.
At my last house I also had an even carrying, but still not very old, hardly came together 1/2 pounds per autumn.