Sind DDR Ü – Eier Spielzeug etwas wert?

Ich habe sehr viele DDR Ü Eier Spielzeuge, viele in einen Guten Zustand.

zb habe ich Schlümpfe, Mäuse, Krokodile, Hippos, Ü Ei , Zwerge, Bären, Drachen…

sind diese Spielzeuge etwas wert? Bilder zeigen nicht alle Figuren.

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8 months ago

I don’t see anything from the GDR.

The gold bears are from Harribo, most of which is Ferrero Ü-Ei from the 90s to shortly after the turn of the millennium. A few other figures are also included, could be Bofrost/Onken, Koalas probably from Schöller, but you should be able to see better in detail. Mostly, it’s up somewhere.

Ü Egg figures from this period are very rarely worth something (same variants) and then not much. That was the time when most collectors were active and left incredible amounts of it.

1 year ago

There was no such thing in the GDR. The figures will be all after 1990. Set them up at ebay classifieds, there are definitely collectors.

1 year ago

Ü-Eier did not exist in the then “DDR”.

The motives are probably “DDR” figures. There are probably collectors for all areas, but the former hype is long over.

1 year ago

You will have to check for each individual or trust a collector in the area.