Sind das wehen?
Hallo zusammen,
mich habe seit gestern Abend regelmäßig (übungs-?)Wehen. Wie man sich heute auf dem ctg festgestellt hat. Eh tun sie nicht die drücken nur total nach unten. Jetzt tut mein po so komisch weh, das ist so ein starkes ziehen. Unterleibsschmerzen habe ich noch nicht, denkt ihr es könnt los gehen? Oder fühlen sich echte Wehen nicht so an?
Are you on time to make it happen? Do you have this draw regularly? With me it was 33 hours before birth that I felt more or less regular contractions, and a noticeable pressure down. Even when the water went off, it took over 12 hours until my son came. It is also possible to take suspicion into the clinic and to be examined, especially in the case of first-borns, many clinics take into account because they often cannot correctly classify the pain.
Yes exactly today is actually the date, and the pressure down I have regular every 7 minutes. Just don’t have any pain in the po
my po did also hurt when it started 😄
These are exercises.
Right hurts hurt so much, you realize right away.
You only get hurt when you expect a child
Just say I thought my belly just grows so 😂
Yes then it can be either early labor or the last burger at MAC Donalds. Cappa:p
Is she probably gonna…
You’ve got the whole pregnancy about exercise. It’s normal.