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Stone mushrooms have a white Grid on the stem – Galle tubers a dark… Pilze+oder+Gallentubelinge
There are a dozen Pilze#Arten if you take it carefully…
Therefore: “Safety brings a sample of meat or already leaking at an interface“
These are mushrooms if the stem does not become stained when cutting. The upper row could also be something else.
In woody fungal areas you can ask for specialists in the pharmacy or in the municipal office.
However, the stalk of bile tubers does not change.
That one of the devils. On the stem of the gall tube it is possible to recognize by leaks (not toxic). But it has a rather net-like structure – without guarantee – on the stem, similar to the birch mushroom.
I find your hint good – you can’t warn enough of confusion…
Such a confusion would be fatal to the questioner!
That is why I thought it was particularly worth mentioning, with the reference to test sites.
Devil’s tubers weren’t asked.
Since I can’t say for sure what mushrooms it is, I’d rather not give an answer in this regard, but it’s pretty sure it’s not.
Honestly? You find out, before they are planted… And in the future, please cut off reasonably and do not hurt the mycelium…
One can clearly see the dark net on a bright ground that speaks for gall tubers.
I would type on herbal
I am in favour of freedom of expression – but in the question of edible mushrooms incorrect information is dangerous!
AäutersSeitling has lamellae and no tubes so gaaaaanz other construction site…