sind das ordentliche Springerstiefel?
- habt ihr die vielleicht selbst wenn ja hätt ich gern infos
Ich trage nur noch Röcke und Kleider im Alltag keine Hosen mehr
wie findet ihr es , wenn die Kniee bei Jeans so weiß sind ?
Der Ausbilder bei meine Ausbildung hat heute gesagt wer besser wenn ich kein BH aufarbeit anzie, ist das normal so?
Also zuhause trägt man zb Jogginghosen und sowas. Wie viel Tage sollte man das tragen?
Geht in Ordnung? Bei Regen?
They’re Ranger Boots, not Springer Boots. Wear Rangers. But get some more expensive (Boots&Braces or Alpha Rangers) and not the cheap of Brandit or Pure Trash. The price difference pays off in quality.
And put your thing through and don’t let any people take you off by unqualified contributions. Most have no idea what the difference between Skinhead and Nazi is.
And get you 14-hole boots. The 20-hole as in the video are too high to be able to wear them pleasantly and, in my opinion, look quite a bit open.
Fit to a normal neo-Nazi.
you are stupid
I don’t know, but looks damn stupid and is usually worn only by far-right idiots.
is clear have you ever dealt with the traditional Skinhead Scene?
Skinheads are now simply known as Nazis, if you want to look like one, just become a skinhead.
That’s clear to me, but the generality doesn’t look like a difference between skins and bons, so you look like a neo-Nazi when you’re running with jumper boots and a bald one.
the nazis are not skins but bones
no they are not only, are not very read
What do you need spring boots?