Sind das absence also epileptische Anfälle?
Hatte mal während den Abschlussprüfungen komische Anfälle über die Ampel gelaufen und wusste nicht mehr wie ich rüber gekommen bin war ein Moment weg war das ein Anfall? Eeg war hinterher unauffällig aber ein halbes Jahr später hatte ich es wieder weil mich jemand angebaggert hat und es mich gestresst hat war ich im Auto weg und ich wusste nichts mehr hinterher Epilepsie wurde nie festgestellt
That could have been absence, even if the EEG was inconspicuous I would recommend you to speak with a neurologist
All the best
My parents refuse to think I picture it and there were no
Would I always take seriously more to the doctor than too little and this is also serious to take
You’re right
As I have said, it is better to explain more than too little everything good
they say I was only with my thoughts elsewhere
It is not necessary, 1x in the year Absencen would also be quite ridiculous, such attacks have been distributed over the day much more often, you will have just plucked in the head that was but also all.
Let me rest
But what else?
You talk so much
That’s true, but it’s already had cramps of seizures and then I was taken to the hospital