Sind D-Mark und Mark der DDR gleichviel wert?
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Hallo, ich habe den abgebildeten Reisewecker von Europa. Auf der Schachtel des Weckers steht: Ref.: 681! Bedeutet dies, dass er der 681. Wecker dieses Typs ist. Kann jemand mir die Gesamtauflage des Produktes nennen und den ungefähren Wert des Weckers nennen?
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With GDR Mark one could only start in the GDR.
D Mark was internationally recognized.
For a mark of the GDR there were 3 crowns of the CSSR.
Thank you
Of course not. In contrast to the German mark of the Federal Republic, the GDR – Mark was a pure, non-convertable, internal currency.
How was the exchange rate?
Mostly 1 DM = 4 GDR mark
No, the Alu money of the GDR is worth nothing.
After all, I got a bread for 0.62 GDR mark, which now costs 3,80 €, worth nothing!
And what did you pay for a banana?
Of course you are right!!
Bananas were rare, so I no longer know the price, but they were not expensive:
A journalist from the West once asked a party secretary why there are so rare bananas in the store and received the answer: “We have enough bananas, but sometimes the bags are missing to sell them” (Witz!)
“Mark” is just a short form of D-Mark
D stands for German, the currency here then German mark
So yes is worth the same.
In the GDR there were Mark and in the FRG they were equally worth?
No! At GDR times, 1 kg of coffee cost 80,- Mark, a bread but only 0.62 Mark, my monthly rental incl. Heating and hot water and other costs only 54,-Mark for 50 sqm of living space, so great value differences!
no, the currency of the ddr was mostly worth almost nothing at the end.
in comparison, the currency of the Federal Republic for East Germany was almost already gold
That’s not true.
again and again brd geld was brought into the ddr to support there related, as far as I know there were also shops (just like black markets because the government was not allowed to get any of it) where you could only buy money where there were better.
the whole varies depending on the time we look at, overall you can talk about the ddr money 4x times was worth as much as gross money, at the end but above all, ddr money was almost worth nothing more
And how high is inflation? Twenty years ago, o.5 L of beer cost 2.90 € and now 5.80€. And in 2024?
“Mark” is just a short form of D-Mark
D stands for German, the currency here then German mark
So yes is worth the same.”
had thought he asked about d-mark and mark, mark is the grasp for a currency, thought with both d-mark, heist actually d-mark and ddr-mark
Yeah, but there it was, they were worth a lot and they weren’t. I’m BJ.1967, so I still have enough own experiences. Most liked our GDR-related dollars!😄